Messy Mane

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The pegasus called Messy had regained consciousness ten minutes after she had collapsed. I had been suprised at how quickly she springed up and hopped onto the sofa. Blackheart, Blue Flame and I had just been sitting on the sofa talking about where we were and what we were going to do about this 'advocite'. When Messy hopped up she made a sqeak and jumped onto the sofa behind Digital.

"What are they doing here...and who are they..?" She hissed into his ear. Her voice was slightly higher pitched than Blackheart's, and when she whispered you could only just make out her normal voice.

"This is Blackheart, she is a..uh..retiring assassin.." Started Digital.

"Don't call me that." Said Blackheart without thinking nor emotion.

"Right..the the one with the box over his head with the smiley face drawn on it is Blue Flame. He is a fightery dude who likes hurting criminals." Continued Digital.

Standing behind the couch, I heard Blue Flame sigh again.

"And this..." Digital pointed at me. "Is Arlo Kotov. He is the whole reason we came to find you."

Messy stopped staring at me with her green eyes and looked back at Digital.

"B..but you would have come anyway? Wouldn't you? Because of my dru-"

"Yes yes Messy I would have come to see you anyway." Smiled Digital, inturrupting Messy.

Messy got out from behind Digital and sat down on the couch next to him.

"So what do you want Arlo? I'm afraid we as a company are bust, we have no profit and no products to sell. Infact this building is getting evicted tommorow."

"I don't want any party supplies thank you." I said calmly.

"No? Then what do you want?" Asked Messy.

"I want you to tell me about your relationship with advocite."

Messy's face dropped. However she didn't break down like Blackheart had done.

"Very well." She said, her voice like silk. She paused before speaking again.

"Advocite is responsible for the fall of this company. Back when my father owned it, he was a genius. He would sell masses of supplies to companies around Equestria. But one day, he was out giving supplies to buyers when he was murdered - advocite. The company in his will was handed down to me. Being a teenager at the time, I didnt really understand how to work everything. Sales went down, as did profit. This company used to have a powerful reputation. But since it was failing due to me not handling the responsibility. In my woe, I started drinking, partying and doing drugs. I spent company money on it. I was so stupid.."

Digital put his arm around Messy.

"Don't think of it like that." He said. "You kept me in buisness."

Messy gave a chuckle.

"Yeah..I guess. I went to court about advocite a few years later. I had hired some of the best lawyers. None of them showed up. Probably threatened or killed. His reputation scared the jury. No charges were set."

"Hang on." I interrupted. "If this advocite guy is so big, how come I have never heard of him?"

They all shrugged.

"Probably not up with the times." Joked Blackheart, punching me on the shoulder.
"So why are you here exactly?" Asked Messy.

"I want to get my somepony back. And they tell me the only way to do that take down Advocite."

Messy threw back her head and laughed.

"Yeah mate...good luck.." she mocked.

"Please help me Messy. I need to get her back." I said, sadness filling my throat.

"I dont need too. I could stay here and be safe with my coke."

"Well...not for long." Said Digital.

"Wait..what?" Said Messy, suddenly concerned.

"What happens when you run out of money? You still gotta pay for all that stuff." Said Digital.

Blue Flame, who had been relatively quiet this whole time, suddenly snapped right round and charged at Digital. He knocked him off the ground and straddled him, hooves raised.

"Can't you see this!" He yelled. "He doesnt care about his friends! He doesnt trust us! Look, he expects money from his friends! Why is he with us!"

"Look here Blue, I know you dont like me and all. But its getting old now." Complained Digital.

"We have to trust him." I said.

"Can you two fucks just calm your tits! Jeez.." Said Blackheart, getting pissed off.

"Wow.." Started Messy.

Skye entered the room, carried a white mug of coffee. She put it down on the table.

"Oh, Messy. Your up. Thats good." She said kindly.

Messy sighed and looked around.

"Skye, would you mind putting up with these faggots abit longer?" She asked.

Skye beemed at Blackheart and I.

"Not at all!" She said, trying to hide her excitement.

"Good..cos looks like we are gonna have to help 'em for a awhile.."

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