Dreams have meanings

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The train thundered down the tracks, sparks flying where the alloyed wheels pressed to hard on the line. What many ponies failed to realise is just how big Manehatten was. As the economic hub in Equestria, the city had been expanding for years. New skyscrapers had forced the housing blocks further outwards and the poorer district had been under siege from buisness ponies looking to expand their territories. There were over 80 subway stations in Manehatten, alot but barely enough.

Since the monarchy had refused to give up power, life had become hellish feudalism. Princess Celestia had become a control freak, wishing to claim all the lands surrounding Equestia, turning it into an imperialist nation. Princess Luna had began training her 'soldiers of the night' to fight for her unknown cause, conspiracy theorists came to the conclusion of overthrowing Celestia as ruler and taking over. She called it her 'New Lunar Republic". Princess Candence had been raising arms and expanding the crystal empire into a motion directed into taking the griffin kingdoms for the ponies. Tension was high between the princesses. Conflict was invenitable. Celestia agreed that money should go towards resuppling Canterlot and the ponies who lived there. Due to this, the ponies were cut off. Money gone into maintaining roads ans buildings was haulted, and many ponies could not afford to do it themselves. The ponies who owned large companies or businesses managed to maintain some order, but the poorer ponies at the bottom of this system tried to survive on what they can, many turning to crime or drugs to get the most out of life. Of course ponies took sides, many believing that the New Lunar Republic would turn things back to the way they were. Others saw the light in Cadence' cause. But where was Princess Twilight? She had gone on her mission to reunite all ponies under one common banner, sharing the magic of friendship. She was just a childrens story now. Ment to give hope to all, and failing in the process.

The seats were comfortable. Too comfortable. We had to stop at 20 stations before we could get to our destination. I closed my eyelids. My face stung where the silver pony had hit me. I ignored it though. I had bigger problems. Open opening my eyes again I saw a poster of Celestia on the curved wall of the train. The word 'OBEY' were writen in large blue letters at the bottom and Celestia's glare left me uneasy. This was her attempt to control ponies. It wasn't working.

"Your face doesn't look good." Said Blackheart, looking over me.

"I've had worse. Alot worse. " I replied sutley. I lent against the window and closed my eyes. This was going to be a long journey, might as well make the most of it. After five minutes of complete darkness, a fell asleep to rumbing of the trains engine.


I was in a clearling in a forrest. Mist covered the thick muck and undergrowth and the tree branches stuck out like sinister arms, waiting to grab you. The sky was purple and grey clouds were swirling in abstract patterns. I could barely see, the visablilty was terrible. I stood low down and stood my ground; something was not right here. I flashed my head to my left. I saw a figure, tall, wearing a cloak. Two bright white eyes stared unblinking at me. The silhouette stayed motionless. I let out a small breath, and noticed the mist pour of my mouth like steam from a kettle. I blinked. The figure was gone. Who was this apparition? Fear gripped me like a knife. The whole place was silent, all I could hear was my heartbeat and short, frantic breaths. I clentched my eyes shut. I knew I was dreaming.

"Let me wake up, please let me wake up." I muttered inbetween breaths. I opened one eye, taking a peek at my surroundings. I saw a silver horseshoe, connected to a long navy blue leg. I opened my other eye and hesitated to look up. When I eventully looked up I didnt know what to think. This pony was massive, almost twice as tall as I was. Her wings were tucked back and her mane was translucent, woven with stars and gleaming. A large horn protruded from her forhead, and she looked down at me with cyan eyes.

"Princess...Luna..." I said in awe. I lowed my front hooves, a mockery of a bow.

"Rise, Arlo Kotov." She spoke with a regal tone screaming authority.

"Why are you here?" I asked, barely comprehending what was happening.

"It is my duty to visit ponies in their dreams. Today I am with you."

"But why? Everything is fine?"

"Thats what you tell yourself, Arlo Kotov."

I turned away from her, looking at the forrest.

"Where are we?" I asked, avoiding an emotional conversation.

"Your subconscious. Notice how untidy and thick it has grown?"

Luna picked a dandilion from the ground and brought it to eye level.

"But yet it can be beautiful. Arlo. I am here to help you."

"I dont need your help. And dont you even think about recruiting me into your New Republic whatsit."

Luna giggled at this. This didnt sound so harsh as her voice. Perhaps she was finding being in his mind amusing.

"Oh Arlo, thou do not understand. I am here to help you on an emotional level. Thou are having a hard experience. You are split in two directions, unsure what to follow."

"You know nothing. Leave me alone." I said, blocking her out with my shoulder.

"Blackheart admires you. Maybe even further. There is potential here. But you have devoted your life to another."

"Please stop" I said, turning to her. The familair feeling of guilt rising in my stomach.

"She apologized today because she kissed you. It was a harmless kiss on the cheek, but to her it ment more. She suggested romantic feelings, she forgot your dilemma, and then you snapped. She dreams also, Arlo."

I turned to her. I could feel tears develop in my eyes.

"What am I supposed to do?" I said, my voice cracking, feeling tears roll down my face.

"Stay loyal. Do not give in to Blackhearts wanting. If you do then your whole quest becomes pointless." Luna replied.

"Quest?" I hadnt thought of it like that, but it made sense.

"But I might like her, I dont know."

"Did it ever cross your mind thats what advocate wants? For you to loose hope and settle for someone else?"

"Why would he want that?"

"To prove a statement." Luna said, looking up at the sky. "You will be waking up soon."

"No, Luna wait.."

"Arlo." She put her hoove on my shoulders. "People lie. Allegiances change. Ponies may not be as they seem at first."

"What are you saying?" I said quickly. Luna's body began to fade, I could see the trees behind her.

"Trust nopony, not unless they can be fully trusted. Suspect everyone.." said Luna, disappearing into the mist.

Amd with that I woke up.

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