The End of all Things

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Magic. What is it? Its powerful certainly. Dangerous too. If misused it can be fatal. Unicorns lack the ability of flight, and the physical strength of the earth ponies, but they have magic.
An energy used by the mind, powered by Celestia-knows-what. Even the best unicorn scholars dont know. Starswirl the bearded; one of the greatest unicorns that ever lived set it his mission to find the answer. He died in the same position as how he started. Without a clue.

Where I was I didnt know. Floating, suspended in some sort of etherial mindset. Stars, lights surrounded me. A blue background. No, wait...was it purple? It didnt make sense. I tried to speak, but I couldnt. I tried to think of something. Anything. My thoughts were inconceivable.

Celestia appeared. From where I do not know. She just appeared.

'My sister and I have taken a great interest in your story, Arlo Kotov.'

She said with regal tone.

'Where am I?' I said, being able to speak at last.
Why did I feel like this was how it supposed to happen? That everything I was saying and doing had been written down and I was mindlessly following orders?

'Dead, Arlo.'

My heart froze in the icy grip of fear.

'Dead? What about Blackheart? What about Messy and Advocite and O-'

'They will be fine, Kotov.'

I was panicked. Me!? Dead?!?

'You can look if you want. Said Celestia with elegance. She raised her hooves and gestured a square shape. Soon enough, a window opened, revealing bright blue sky. I stepped forwards, eager to see what lay beyond.

A funeral. Several ponies wearing black were just leaving. This was odd to me, I didnt know how to feel. Happy I guess? That so many ponies turned up? Angry because, well I just died.

It was then I noticed the small group of ponies under a tree, away from everone else. It was Blackheart! Messy and Digital! Blue Flame and Skye! They were all there. They cared..

Blackheart was crying into the shoulder of Messy, and the look of sadness on her face was unshakeable. Skye stayed close to Blue Flame, who had removed the box on his head out of respect, his windswept blue mane damp by the rain. Digitals eyes looked dead.

After everypony left, my six friends stumbled forwards to where I had been buried. Blue Flame came forwards first.

"Im sorry. I killed you."

"Blue Flame no.." Started Messy.

Tears streamed down his face.

"This is my fault. You are dead because of me. You'll never see your sonepony again because of me. I broke you."

Blue Flame stared up at the sky, rain getting in his eyes. It was then I noticed the long scars of self-mutilation up his legs.

"I'm sorry, Arlo."

Blue Flame took a step back, trying to hide his eyes with his wings.

Messy stepped up next.

'Arlo, I can't apologyse enough for what happened.

She looked down at her hooves, her drentched mane almost reaching the ground.

'You taught us all a lesson. That we should all rise up. Us, the most unlikeliest of characters, can join together against a common foe. Thank you, Arlo.'

It was the Digital who stepped up to the grave.
'Arlo, I think you'll be pleased to know that after you, well, died we procceeded to beat the shit out of him, heheh.'
It was a forced laugh, but it increased his morale.
'Yeah..I dont really know what to say. In fairness, you were abit of a dick. Bt a good dick. Not a good dick. Like, you ment well.'
'Digital?' Said Blue Flame.
'Just stop talking.'
'Haha..right. Well Arlo, where ever you are right now, I hope its better than this dump.'

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