Buisness is Party

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A few moments after Digital had gone inside the skyscaper, my horn started to glow. Blue Flame, Blackheart and I had stayed in silence, eagerly waiting to see what was going to happen. When my horn started glowing, Blackheart asked

"Um..Arlo..whats that?"

"Im not sure.." I said truthfully. "I think it means Digital wants us to come inside."

All unicorns are connected by a magical network. If one unicorn wanted another unicorn they could use the right spell and find them on the network. The unicorn they wished to finds horn would glow and their mind would be filled with thoughts about however was trying to get in touch.

As my horn glowed now, thoughts of Digital filled my mind. All I could see in my minds eye was him eating pizza, like we had done recently.

"Yeah..he wants us in there.." I said, confirming his results. We trotted over to the entrance of the building. I tried to replicate what Digital had done, nodding at the guard and walking in like he owned the place. I nodded at the guard and he chuckled deeply as me and my party entered.

Inside was a large reception area, a tiled floor and a modern decor. Simple, white desks with computers and brown panels on the walls. MESSY MANE PARTY.CORP was written on these panels in thick black writing. The building was mainly deserted, apart from one white earth pony with a long brown mane sitting a desk, with her head resting on it. Her glasses had fallen off and were lying on the desk, still open. A small puddle of drool was collecting in her mouth and falling onto the floor. We walked over, the sounds of our hooves collecting in our ears. I rang a small brass bell on her desk and the ringing woke her up.

"Uh..uh...Hi..sorry..I was just.." she began.

"Skye?" I heard Blackheart say from behind me.

"Blackheart?" Said Skye.

"Skye!" Said Blackheart, galloping around the desk and hugging her tightly.

"Um.." I said as I looked awkwardly at Blue Flame.

"Skye, your remember Blue Flame right." Blackheart said, letting go of Skye and pointing at Blue Flame.

"Yeah! How've you been!?" Asked Skye.

"Uh.." Started Blue Flame.

"And this is Arlo Kotov!" Interrupted Blackheart. Skye smiled and put her glasses on.

"This is Skye Light. We were best friends growing up and stuff." Introduced Blackheart.

"Hi..um..it's nice to meet you.." She said nervously.

I was getting impatient.

"Do you know where a pony called Digital went?" I said.

"Digital the dealer? Yeah..um..he took the elevator to Miss.Mane's floor." She said. I could see her smiling, but I wasnt sure if it was at me or Blackheart.

"I could escort you if you like.." Said Skye.

"Yay!" Said Blackheart, jumping slightly.

"This way please." Said Skye as she gestured towards a lift behind her desk. The silver doors opened with a chime and Skye got in. Blue Flame flew over the desk and into the elevator, along with Blackheart. Finally I got it. I pressed the button on the top floor and the doors slide shut. I let out a sigh as we were whizzed to the top.

When we arrived at the top the stench of drugs and cake hit me like a wall. The room was more like an apartment than a floor in a buisness building. A stained carpeted floor covered in sofa's and a large TV in the corner. The room was like a massive rectangle. Littered with upturned furniture and massive speakers, it was a complete tip. A bar layed with drinks and bottles was in one corner and large windows viewing the whole city looked out. We could hear Digital laughing along with a female voice. Following Skye into the room we saw Digital lounged on a sofa, a peach coloured mare resting her head on his legs. They were both giggling and on a table in front of them was a sliver tray with lines of white powder and a straws on it.

Blue Flame sighed and turned away, admiring the abstract art on the walls. I approached the sofa and sat down on an opposite one. The peach coloured mare had a bright pink mane with a lime green highlight going through it. She had all her legs and wings in the air, laughing like a maniac. She hadnt noticed we were here. Then Skye spoke.

"Um..Mrs.Mane? Some ponies are here to talk to Digital.."

"Hah!" Yelled the pony. Digital grinned and laughed.

"Hey guys meet Messy." He said calmly.

Messy leaned forwards and took the straw. She put one end in her nose and sucked up the white powder with the other. She squealed at this and laughed. Was she alright? She stood up and prepared to introduce herself.

"Hello...Fucktards! Haha" she squawked as she collapsed onto the floor. Blackheart and I stood open mouthed at what had just happen. Digital leaned forwards on the sofa.

"What?" He mused. "You can't expect my drugs to be 100% legit.

"So a pimp and a liar." I heard Blue Flame mutter.

"Oh put a sock in it, Blu" said Digital. I poked the collapsed body of Messy with my horn.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked.

"I will get her some coffee." Said Skye. "She normally passes out for a few minutes. She shant be long."

I smiled at Blackheart and looked at all of us. I was very happy. But my familiar sense of guilt and loss came back to me. I barely trusted anyone here, save Blackheart of course. Luna had warned me about this. But I was happy. I just had to remember why we were doing this. To get my somepony. Once that was done everything would be back to normal.

(Heya, sorry for the short chapter. Been busy with stuff. I plan to continue onwards and make chapters longer now. Take care)

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