Chapter 3 A bloody fight

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My eyes widened in horror as Angela and another angel were standing in the middle of the path."Hello Phoenix I am so glad you survived those horrid demons so you could join are side."Stated Angela.I stand motionless thinking of a escape route.One wasn't in sight I look around furiously. "Angela,"Stated a voice in the trees."haven't I warned you about coming here."Stated Sebastian jumping from a tree branch.Angela's angel friend stepped forward with a sword in her hand.She was accepting a challenge."Come on Phoenix,afraid of a little Angel."She stated.I look her in her eyes they were empty and her task was set,kill me or be killed."Deal."I state smiling.I drew my sword from my sword case.It still glowed with positive energy.I step forward.She retracted her wings so we were even.We stand back to back."Take ten steps then we fight."Stated the angel.I nod.One,two,three,four,five the angel sprints behind me swinging the blade cutting my back.I yell in minor pain but the cut heals instantly.Angela and Sebastian were watching.Sebastian's eyes widen in shock.I shot the but of the blade into the angels face,causing her to stagger back.I sprint to her and kick her in the stomach with my heel.She flew into the tree with a loud thud.Using tree I locked her arms inside the tree's truck.She tugged on her arms."You coward,afraid to get you hands bloody wouldn't blame you,for someone who is weak."She shouted.I walk from the fog that started to crawl in.Holding the sword in my hand.A wicked smile spread across my face.Her eyes widened in horror."Am I weak,am I what you are looking for,someone who can kill a angel with a few number of human attacks."I state to her.My sword at her throat.She begins to cry.I could fell my eyes glowing red with fury and changing into a purple for then my dark magic was showing."Your leaders son destroyed everything I loved so I am going to return the favor."I state.Without any hesitation I stab the sword in her throat.The blood seeping from her jugular.Angela signaled a retreat.My hands were bloody.That woke me up,my dark stage took over me,again.Vengeance was controlling my light side to easily.I suddenly felt tired from barley getting any sleep from those previous nights.I started to walk away,but I fell backward into someone's arms and I rested.

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