Chapter 6 A welcoming ball

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Sebastian walks by my side with my head against his shoulder.Walking gracefully through the halls.A loud squeal came from a middle aged girl.She ran up to Sebastian knocking him to the ground."Sebastian your back."She said.I helped Sebastian up and the blonde haired girl had front curls that were in pony tails to the side of her head."Hi my name is Elizabeth,some people call me Lizzy."She said.I bowed showing respect."Ciel is having a welcoming party for someone,he said she was here so I can wait to see her."She said as she ran away."I guess I forgot that bid."He said."Come I will lead you to your quarters so we can find you a dress."He said.I nod and we head back to my quarters.Sebastian was looking through the closet trying to find he something to wear."Sebastian,I think I can handle this head down stairs I will be there in a minute."I ask nicely.He bows and leaves.I already had something in mind.I wave my hand and a plain dress appeared.I waved my hand again and my hair and make up did themselves just like they did for prom.The dress was long sleeved,the arms of the dress ended by connecting to my wrist tight then it flowed freely for a few extra inches and began right underneath my shoulder showing my skin.My mark was visible.The dress was almost exactly like my prom dress but it didn't open on the sides.An I wore orange flats.I look at my self in the mirror I had forgot what I looked like in a dress it had been so long.I exit my room and walk down stairs.

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