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I hear the laughter of children outside my childhood home

If I listen closely it almost sounds like my own

I can faintly hear my brother and sister laughing from the mile long hopscotch we created on the driveway

Oh did we feel infinite

The late summer nights of playing pretend with the kids down the street

We came to reality when the street lights turned on and it was time to retreat for the night

We weren't too sad knowing we would be back in our imagination tomorrow


The trees are changing and so are we

All I hear is the laughter of my brother and I as my sister has found new interests

In the woods letting the wind and trees create our imagination

Not letting us give in to the inevitable of time


Late nights of building sledding hills and snowmen and sitting quiet hearing the nothingness around us

Licking the icicles and smelling the hot chocolate brewing inside waiting for us to return


Flowers blooming and kick ball in the yard

Now older we feel the need to recreate our past to hold onto our inner child that we so desperately wanted to leave behind

How foolish

The grass and trees have infiltrated our homemade fort

All that's left is the memory of what was

We all split apart going down new paths

And I'm the only one left in this childhood home watching old cartoons and reminiscing of the days when life seemed more meaningful

Where did we go wrong?

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