maybe I'll go, maybe I'll stay

23 3 0

Today was a good day, a good different
I laughed a little more today
It wasn't my friends who made me laugh, it was my family...
That is something rare

I don't know if it was the warm air
Or the lingering smell of fresh rainfall
Or the open windows, calling for summer
But whatever it was, was good
Something I haven't felt in a long time

One thing that has been on my mind lately is, what if I just left? Left my whole life behind and started somewhere new

Would I be missed? Would I be one less worry? Even though most likely i would be missed, that shouldn't stop me from leaving

I shouldn't be afraid to go find myself
It's my life
I can't stay in one place because someone wants me to

I just feel lost
And unsure of who I really am
Just because I had one good day, doesn't mean I've found my home

I just don't want to wait any longer to discover who I truly am
And who I could be...

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