forgive and not forget

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I've learned that it's a lot harder to let go of the past... As much as we think we can let go, our brains still hold those memories of pain and grudges that we try to forget.

I recently learned myself that I'm still hurt over a situation I thought I was over. But my brain still holds the betrayal and sadness that I once felt.

I'm trying my hardest to move on but the constant reminders of the past hold me back to moving onto the future.

I've also learned that people are never who they say they are, and people are never going to change.

Fathers cheat, friends leave, people who always say they're going to be there for you, never are.

I've had to learn all of those things the hard way. I try to move on, but there are obstacles preventing me from doing that.

I don't think I can forgive and forget.
Because I've done that too much and people take advantage of that. I can't let myself be subjected to that, or it will truly break me inside.

And I don't know how much more damage I can take before I break.

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