fuck you

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Sometimes life gets the better of us.
Sometimes life says a big fuck you and doesn't give a shit about how you feel.

I think I've honeslty had the worst weekend of my life. My dad is fucking asshole who only thinks about himself. I mean honestly how hard is it to not be a dick and stay loyal.

I feel like all my peace of mind is lost.
My life feels like it's on a constant loop of heartache and pain.

Sometimes life is good, but most of the time I feel like I'm in a dream falling, and not waking up.

I want to skip to the part where life is good. Where all I see is sunny skies and the open road to freedom.

But life doesn't work out like that sometimes...
You have to go through shit in order to come out stronger.

And it might not feel like it will get better, but someday it will.

Someday I'll be on the open road with no worries. Just me and life living side by side ready for whatever adventure comes our way.

I hope that day comes soon, because I don't know if I can live in a world like this anymore. With heartache and disappointment.

I want to live wildly and love with no doubt or regret. I want to be the person I dream about, the one who is fearless and doesn't sit back and watch life pass by.

I want to be that girl someday... I want to say fuck you to everyone and leave without a trace.

Maybe someday that day will come. I can only dream...

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