Chapter 29--Congrats, Grads!

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In one week it's prom and graduation day and somehow I managed to convince my mom to allow Ashton into the event. She still has to check with the school board but doesn't see a problem with it.

Cory said he'd go with me if Ashton wasn't allowed to or decided not to. I'm so grateful that Cory offered to take me but some other girl deserves to go with him more than I do.

"Your 2017 valedictorians have been selected this year by the grad council. Congratulations to Cory Reynolds and.. oh my Maggie Martins!" My mom's voice said through the intercom.

I had no clue that I was even nominated for valedictorian let alone actually winning it. Only the popular kids were on grad council and voted each other in and I'm nowhere near considered popular. Ever since I could remember, it's been a dream of mine to be on stage wearing the sash representing my grad class and that dream was about to come true.

"Congrats girl!" Amy sang from beside me as she looped her arm around mine.

"Thank you, I can't believe it"

"Thank Cory, he's the one who put your name in"

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yeah," she said with a shrug, "he knew how much you wanted it so he talked to Becky"

"That is so sweet of him"

I can't believe Cory would go through all that trouble to help me. That's so sweet of him.

As the second bell rang, I grabbed my books and walked towards the health class. As of tomorrow, I'll never have to take health ever again-- thank god too because now that I don't have Penny anymore, there's nothing left to do in this stupid class.

I'm just thankful we don't have an exam. Taking care of a doll was one thing but adding an extra exam?

No. Just no.

"Morning class, Maggie congratulations on being selected" Mr. V said, in his usual cheery voice, as he walked into the classroom.

The room filled up with students and my heart sunk at the sight of the empty seat beside mine. I was so use to having Ashton here and sitting beside me but now that he's gone, it's sad. 

All around me people chatted with their desk partners. It's hard to believe that this class brought people together-- some have never spoken a single word to one another before are now they're the best of friends.

Including Ashton and I.

If it wasn't for this stupid class, I'd never have met him. As much as I did hate this class and having Penny, there were so many great outcomes.

"Almost all of you are in partners, so I want you to turn to one another and review how to change a diaper" Mr. V instructed before turning to me, "Maggie, you can be my partner"

Oh great, I get to be my fake uncle's partner and explain to him how to change a diaper.

"Actually Mr. V, can I use the washroom first?"

He glanced at the clock then back to me, "alright but make it quick"

I walked along the quiet hallway towards the washroom, remembering the last time I did this with Ashton.

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