Chapter 2--Who's my husband?

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As soon as I got home, I opened up my laptop and typed in 'The Baby and Marriage project' since Mr. Vanderhough didn't give us any more information. Instead, he dismissed a large group of insanely confused people.

All the internet said was that 2 people get paired up and have a fake baby together. I didn't know schools could even allow this, could they? I don't want to be married to someone, especially not to anyone in my health class. And having a fake baby with him? No way. It's hard to believe that I could dread this class even more than already.

During dinner, I picked at my steamed carrots more than usual. Usually, I loved them but after reading on the Internet, I lost my appetite.

"How was school today ladies?" My dad asked while cutting his steak.

I shrugged while my mom pretty much answered for the both of us. She talked on and on about her boring meetings--that's what I call them anyways. The first few times she thought I was joking until she realized how serious I was, I then got a nice lecture on how these 'boring meetings' benefited me and my learning.

"Oh Charles called today that's who I was on the phone with earlier," My mom said casually, it's never casual whenever Charles calls, "he's coming home next weekend for grandma's 95 birthday party"

Charles was my older half-brother from my mom's side. Most families always have an oddball family member... Ours happened to be Charles. After he graduated from Toronto university he fled down to South America where he met an equal crazy girl. They've been living down there for a few months now, trying to find 'peace' within themselves. I think it's just an excuse to not come back to reality and find jobs.

Both of my parents were married in their early 20's and had kids. Years later and 2 divorces, they met--got married and had 2 somewhat wonderful/normal kids. Ben and I.

"That's great! Now I can finally get him to pay me back for everything he purchased on my credit card" My dad responded, clearly un-thrilled.

"What about Angela? Is she coming home?" I asked my mom

Her face scrunched up, "no, not this time I'm afraid"

My smile dropped. Today was just the day of bad news.


The rest of my evening was boring. I did my homework and then watched a movie down in my freezing cold basement. My room was being renovated since there was a flood, thanks to my little brother Ben for leaving the bathroom sink on and flooding only my room. So guess who had to move down into the freezing basement in the middle of winter? Me!

Tuesday morning came way to quick. Especially as we pulled into the familiar parking spot and I unleashed a wild yawn. Maybe going to bed at 2 am because you're to busy watching Elf isn't such a good idea.

"Jesus you're 17, not 85. You shouldn't be so tired"

"I can't help it" I said with another yawn.

"Remember to talk to Ms. Cornwall about getting extra credit for tutoring that boy over the winter break" My mom said as we stepped out of the car.

"Yeah yeah" I grumbled as I slipped my backpack over my shoulders and started walking towards the main entrance doors.

A group of freshman girls ran past me, the last one nearly taking me out. I was way too tired to care or be bothered to shoot them death glares. Plus with my mom right behind me, I'd get my ass kicked.

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