Chapter 30-- Night to Remember

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"Maggie and I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming out to celebrate a time which applauds the hard work we as a grad class have achieved." Cory started off, "we're honored to be this year's valedictorians, it's a special honor and I know myself, especially Maggie-- has worked incredibly hard over these past few hours to be able to achieve this..."

My eyes scanned the crowd of people sitting in the gym, searching for my family. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them all, especially my mom who was trying her hardest not to cry. My dad was patting her back, but I could see those tears in his eyes too.

"4 years ago I entered high school-- not really knowing anyone except for my mom. I was terrified I wouldn't make any friends but soon that all changed. I made some best friends for life. High school really does take you on an emotional roller coaster ride through the ups and downs... we've experienced it all" I started off.

"Although I didn't have the privilege to know each and every one of you, the ones I  know have become my family, including Maggie. That being said, I wish the best of luck to everyone as they go off on their new adventure and to always remember where you came from and that's Ridgemont High."

As our grad class started to cheer, I felt myself starting to feel sad that the one person I really wanted to be spending this moment wasn't here. I know I should be thankful to be here with amazing people such as Amy and Cory and I am, trust me. I'm just sad that Ashton's not here.

"And, with that being said, we as a grad class would like to thank all faculty and community members for helping us get to where we are today. Congratulations grads of 2017, we did it!" I beamed towards the crowd.

My mom had now joined Cory and I on stage and gave us hugs before we left and returned to our seats.

"Hey good job," Cory told me with a small smile as he gave me a pat on the back.

"Yeah, you too"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the graduating class of 2017"

In that moment, I stood up and threw my cap into the air-- excited to be finally free from high school and it's curse.

"We did it!" Amy cheered as she ran up and gave me a hug.

"Congrats girls," my mom said, suddenly from behind me, "Maggie, come get some family photos"

I waved Amy a goodbye before following behind my mom as we tried navigating past people. As people tried stopping and talking to her, I continued past-- trying to find my family.

Up ahead, I spotted Charles's familiar tall and lanky body, and once he turned around it confirmed it. His usual cranky face was present and I couldn't help but sigh as I stared at him.

Angela was the first to notice me, squealing-- she ran over and wrapped me in a big hug. Her thin arms wrapped around my shoulders and nearly squeezed me to death.

"Awe my baby sister is all grown up!" She cooed, still hugging me, "I can't believe this"

"Thanks for coming"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. Oh and Jacques sends his love"

The rest of my family has now joined us and were trying to get as many pictures as they could. I was starting to feel claustrophobic with everyone surrounding me.

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