Chapter 1--First Day Back

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I let an exaggerated yawn as I pushed off the covers and climbed out of bed. After a nice week-long break from school, it was time to go back and start the second semester. For the past 6 months, I've been dreading this day because of Health class. It was a mandatory grade 12 class and hands down had to be the worst class imaginable. Somehow calculus was better even.

"Maggie" My mom's loud voice echoed throughout the hallway and into my room.

"I'm up!" I half shouted, half groaned, trying to get her off my case.

I stared at myself in the mirror, God I looked awful. My hair was matted and greasy and I smelt terrible. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table, 7:40. Shit, how could I have slept in so late? Especially now since I don't have time to shower?

"Maggie get your ass downstairs now" My mom screamed this time meaning it was serious.

Quickly, I pulled on my school uniform and ran into the washroom to brush my teeth. Throwing my blonde greasy hair up in a ponytail, I ran downstairs and grabbed my lunch off the counter before heading to the garage. I shot a smug smile to my mom as she sat in our SUV with the heat cranked.

We pulled into the school's staff parking lot and parked in the most embarrassing spot manageable; the Principals reserved spot. Because as if having your mom as principal wasn't bad enough-- I get to show up to school with her.

Although having a parent at your school definitely has its advantages and also disadvantages too. No skipping class, no being late, no getting in trouble because let's face it, she'll find out. But when I forget to bring money or eat breakfast, like this morning, I can just go into her office and take money.

"Have a good day" She said as we got out and went our separate ways.

I walked along the school halls until reaching my locker. My best friend since kindergarten, Amy, was leaning against the ugly yellow, lockers waiting for me.

"Aren't you excited for today?" She asked, sounding way more excited than she should've been on a Monday morning.

"Oh, you mean for AP calculus? Yeah, I'm so excited" I sarcastically replied, making her laugh.

"No! I mean for health"

I grabbed my binders and slammed my locker shut. Taking a deep breath, I turned back to Amy and stared at her. Sometimes I just wanted to strangle the living daylights out of her. She was unbelievable.


"Of course I knew what you were talking about!" I snapped, "and no I'm not excited. You know how much I've been dreading this class"

Amy sighed and rolled her eyes as she closed her locker, "I don't understand how you don't like it. It's literally the easiest class to get an A in, all you have to do is show up and pretend to listen"

I huffed, "well sorry for actually wanting to work hard for an A"

I enjoyed doing actual school work as strange as it sounds. Amy on the other hand, who's just known for her looks and not so much brain liked taking the easy way out of things. I happened to only be known for my brain which sucks because ever since middle school when I developed an interest in guys-- I've wanted one to look in my direction and think 'wow she's beautiful. I want to date her' but 6 years later it still hasn't happened.

"I gotta go save me a seat at lunch" I shouted to Amy over my shoulder as I rushed to my first class.


It was the last class of the day and of course, it had to be health. Thankfully Amy was in the class but we were under strict ordered from my mother about not sitting together. Amy was apparently too much of a distraction, I can see that honestly. That girl likes to chat.

"Hello class, hope you all passed your exams. I'm Mr. Vanderhough, I'll be your health teacher for the semester"

Mr. Vanderhough or Uncle Will was a family friend and practically my uncle. He and my dad were best friends in University, then when my dad introduced my mom to his wife they became the best of friends too. So I've known him literally since the day I was born.

"This year I've decided to change up the course. Usually, it's full of boring lectures and stuff you won't remember but this year we will be doing a semester-long project."

Hearing the word project made me sit up in my chair and ears perk up. I loved doing projects, I think they're the best way to learn the concept instead of just re-reading your notes.

He continued, "this project will be worth 90% of your mark, the more effort you put in the better mark you'll receive"

A boy a few rows behind me pipped in, "but sir we always get A's, are you saying that we won't this year?"

I smiled as I watched Mr. Vanderhough shoot this kid a totally fake smile, "I know and that's why I'm changing it up. I've realized this class hasn't actually prepared you guys for what's to come next year after you graduate. Life after high school is hard, you need to work for what you need and want--so if you want an A you're gonna have to work for it"

Classmates around me groaned. I tried not to let them discourage me because I was genuinely excited for this. I glanced over my shoulder at Amy, she started choking herself when she caught my eyes, I bursted out laughing but quickly covered my mouth trying not to draw any attention to myself.

"All I want for you is to try your best. I don't expect any of you to be perfect at this since no one is perfect at parenting"

I almost started real choking at his words. I don't think I heard him correctly. Did he just say parenting? I looked around the classroom to make sure everyone else heard the same thing I did. By the looks on their faces, I'm pretty sure they did too.

"Class, this is the Baby and Marriage Project"

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