A Globby Monster

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(Today is a normal day in San Fransokyo as Max and Cora are currently at Lucky Cat Cafe)

Max: I wish I had a own enemies, Big Hero 6 have their own enemies, Yama, Yokai and High Voltage. Do you think I'll get an archenemy?

Cora: Uh, yeah. You will definitely have your own archenemy.

Max: Thanks Cora.

(Moments later, Max and Cora see a strange purple globby monster walking on the streets)

Max: What is that?

Cora: A monster, a globby monster.

(5 minutes later)

(As Honey Lemon, Baymax and Go Go are trapped by Globby's glob and Wasabi panicking about it being in his hair, Hiro and Fred arrive to the scene)

Hiro: That is a monster, I stand corrected.

Fred: Yes you do! Everyone, look at the disgusting globby monster.

(A woman stops for a moment)

Unnamed woman: He is globby, isn't he?

Fred: Well then, it's settle, mind if we call you Globby?

Globby: Of course I mind. Ugh, can this get any worse?

(Max walks over in front of Hiro and Fred)

Max: Alright you monster! You're going down!

(Max transforms into a giant blue velociraptor kaiju called Nitro Raptor)

(Max transforms into a giant blue velociraptor kaiju called Nitro Raptor)

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Codename: Night Raptor

Kaiju-type: Dinosaur

Powers: Enhanced speed and enhanced vision

(Hiro, Fred and Globby are shocked)

Fred: He just transformed into a velociraptor.

Globby: Serious, I got to deal with Big Hero 6 and now a kid who just turned into a dinosaur? How can this get any worse?

(Globby gets hit by a bus, which carries him off while Hiro and Fred flinched)

Fred: You should watch where you're standing Globby.

(Honey Lemon's hand is stuck to the street, but Hiro helps her get unstuck) 

Hiro: What a mess.

Honey Lemon: And It's all my purse's fault. No, I should take responsibility. I should've listened to Go Go. She was totally right. I was totally wrong. Uhh, I'm sorry. I'm........everyone, I'm really, really sorry. Really, really, really, really, sorry.

Go Go: Okay, enough. Too much apologizing. 

Honey Lemon: You're right. Sorry, sorry. It's uh......mm........sorry.

(Wasabi meets up with his teammates)

Wasabi: I got the stuff off of............

(Wasabi see Nitro Raptor and screams)

Wasabi: Aah, a velociraptor!

(Nitro Raptor turns back into Max)

Wasabi: Oh, nevermind.

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