Giant Monster Wardon

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(Taking place during Mini-Max)

(At the Avalon headquarters, many agents at currently at their work stations when the main computer starts beeping)

Computer: A new Spore Monster has been detected in San Fransokyo Bay. Codename: Wardon.

Theodore: That's just great.

(After rising from the bay, Wardon goes on a rampage at the crate yard, using his whip-like arms to smash some crates and cranes while the news helicopter is hovering above the scene)

(After rising from the bay, Wardon goes on a rampage at the crate yard, using his whip-like arms to smash some crates and cranes while the news helicopter is hovering above the scene)

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Bluff: We're live at San Fransokyo Bay where another giant monster has appeared and is going on a rampage. The creature appears to be an algae-based monster and...........

(Bluff notice that Wardon is staring at him)

Bluff: Uh oh, it would appear that the monster is going to attack me.

(Before Wardon could attack the news chopper, a bright green light is seen behind him, getting his attention)

Bluff: (uncovering his eyes as the glowing light stops) What?

(Wardon turns around and see Max transformed as a new kaiju, Sagon)

(Wardon turns around and see Max transformed as a new kaiju, Sagon)

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(Sagon roars)

Bluff: Breaking news, a new monster has appeared and I can tell that this is a new monster form of Max Stewart.

(Sagon roars and slams his tail to the ground. Wardon responds by charging at Sagon, who charges at his opponent as the two kaiju began fighting. Wardon is attacking Sagon with his whip arms and was gaining the upper hand by jumping on stacks of crates)

Bluff: This is terrible, it seems that the monster is gaining the upper hand against Monster Kid.

(As Wardon leaps into the air and pounces at Sagon, the latter swung his tail and knocked the former into the bay. Eventually, Sagon fires an energy beam at Wardon, causing the algae monster to explode into particles and reverts back to a Spore, then flies into space as Sagon roars in victory while bashing his hooks together)

Bluff: Max Stewart aka Monster Kid has won.

(Later at the lair of Obake)

Globby: Well, that battle was short.

Momakase: Indeed.

Noodle Burger Boy: It seems like he's gonna mess with Mister's plans.

Obake: Indeed.

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