Enter Dr. X

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Takes place after Fred's Bro-Tillion

(At the Stewart Mansion, Alora and Mary Stewart are currently sitting on the couch together, sipping tea)

Mary: So Alora, did you do any training today?

Alora: Yes, got a 100% score.

Mary: That's good you're strong for a girl your age.

Alora: Thanks.

(Mary crosses her legs)

Mary: I can see why Max likes you.

Alora: (blushes) He does?

Mary: Indeed, I saw the look he had on his face when he saw you.

Alora: That was back when he first transformed into a monster, I calm him down.

Mary: Me and Harold are thankful that you were able to do that, Max had better control of his powers since then.

Alora: Yeah, Max's powers are amazing.

Mary: So how did your parents get together?

Alora: Well, the only way my parents could get together is that my dad defeat my grandmother in combat, this happened when my parents were 10.

Mary: Oh.

Alora: The tradition still stands, even on adopted or colonized planets.

Mary: You know, Max was shocked when I told him, right after he defeated your mother at his training during his first year at the Superhero Academy. You should've seen the reaction on his face.

Alora: (chuckles) Haha!

Mary: Well, I'm glad to be chatting with my future daughter-in-law.

(Alora's eyes widen as she blushes and looks shocked)

Alora: What?

(Mary blinks and laughs)

Mary: I was just kidding.

Alora: (chuckles nervously) Right.

(Max is standing on top on a building, patrolling the city)

Max: What a good day to patrol the city, I wonder if there's any crime today?

(The next day, an alarm goes off)

Max: An alarm.

(At San Fransokyo Trust, 7 bank robbers are stealing money from the vault)

Robber 1: Hurry, let's grab the dough before those heroes show up.

(As the thugs make their way, Big Hero 6 blocked their paths)

Robber 3: It's Big Hero 6!

Go Go: You're not going anywhere.

Robber 1: Yeah, there's only 7 of us and only 6 of.....

(Moments later, giant footsteps suddenly shook the area as Max appears, transformed as Pyrogon, a giant dinosaur-like kaiju walks over to San Fransokyo Trust)

(Moments later, giant footsteps suddenly shook the area as Max appears, transformed as Pyrogon, a giant dinosaur-like kaiju walks over to San Fransokyo Trust)

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(Big Hero 6 and the thugs are shocked)

Robber: It's the son of Dr. Stewart.

Robber 2: He's a dinosaur!

Robber 4: Run!

(6 of the robbers dropped the money and ran for their lives, only to be caught by Honey Lemon's chem-balls)

Go Go: 6 down, 1 to go.

(The first robber tries to run away, only to be blocked by Pyrogon, who looks down at him, growling and glaring at the robber, who drops the bags of money and puts his hands in the air)

Big Hero 6 and the Dawn of Monster KidWhere stories live. Discover now