Dr. X captures Max

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(Takes place after the events of The Bot Fighter)

(Later at the Lucky Cat Cafe)

Fred: Guys, my Dad just sent me this video he recorded from the family time share in Tokyo.

(Fred shows his friends a video of Godzilla and Gigan fighting in Tokyo)

(Fred shows his friends a video of Godzilla and Gigan fighting in Tokyo)

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Hiro: Is that Godzilla?

Fred: Yeah and he's fighting a cybernetic space monster.

Honey Lemon: Wow, Tokyo has always been the source of many giant monster attacks.

(Moments later at the Stewart Mansion, Max is currently in the dining room with his family, eating lunch)

Mary: So, anything exciting happen at work yesterday?

Harold: Yes, we upgraded some security drones to guard the vault.

Jade: I made them.

Mary: We did a special on the new born baby pandas at the zoo.

Harold: Kids, did anything happened at school?

Max: I ace the history test.

Megan: I did well at flight practice.

Cora: I got an A+ in science class.

Daisy: We learn how to make cakes.

Adrian: We ate the cakes.

Daphne: In my class, we learn how to meditate with our powers of elemental manipulation.

(Moments later, 5 sphere-shaped robots burst through the walls, shocking the family)

Max: Huh?

Megan: What are they?

Jade: They're kinda resemble the sphere robot drones from Stewart Corp.

Harold: Only one person built them, his name was......................

(Dr. X enters the living room)

Dr. X: The home of Dr. Harold Stewart and his family. Also, his son, Max Stewart aka Monster Kid.

Max: Who are you?

Dr. X: Perhaps I should introduce myself, I am Dr. X, the most intelligent criminal mastermind on the planet.

Harold: Why are you here?

Dr. X: I came to visit an old friend.

(Dr. X's helmet opens, revealing his true self as Dr. Adam Jones, with a scarred face, shocking everyone)

Harold: Adam?

Dr. X: That's right old friend, it's me.

Jade: But, you died in the explosion at that Drox ship. How did you survived?

Dr. X: When me and Ivan went into the Drox ship, I was studying some of the technology, but I activate the ships defense systems and it's weapons nearly killed me and almost destroyed half of the ship. However, I barely survived and find myself in a laboratory. I created this armor from some kind of space metal. Since then, I became Dr. X and seek to take over the world. Sometimes, I create weapons from salvage alien technology and sell them to the highest bidder.

(Dr. X's helmet closes)

Mary: Why did you come here?

Dr. X: Your son's DNA will provide much usefulness in my experiments, which is why I'm taking him to my lab.

(The robot drones release a white gas at the family, causing them to groan and feel dizzy)

Harold: (groans) Gas.

(Everyone is starting to lose balance)

Jade: (groans) It's some kind of immobilizing gas.

Max: Ugh, can't move.

(Mary, Harold, Jade, Daphne, Max, Megan, Ava, Debbie, Mary Jr., Cora, Adrian and Daisy collapse on their knees, unable to move)

Dr. X: The gas is design to paralyze any living being and now I get my prize.

(One of the robots grab Max's wrists with its' extended mechanical arms as he is being held in a half-spreadeagle position)

Max: Huh? Ah!

Harold: No!

Mary: Max!

(Mary tries to get up, but she couldn't move)

Dr. X: I got plans for you Monster Kid.

(Dr. X pressed a button, causing him, Max and the sphere robots to teleport in a flash)

Mary and Harold: No!

Daisy: Maxy!

Ava: He captured Max!

Debbie: This is bad!

Jade: We need to call Avalon!

Cora: I have the communicator in my pocket.

(Cora groans and when her hand twitches to immobility, she struggles to reach to the communicator device on her wrist and eventually manages to pressed a button)

Cora: Got it.

(Later at the lair of Dr. X, the robots place Max onto a metal chair as steel straps clamped down on his wrists and ankles)

Max: (grunts and strains) What is this place?

Dr. X: You're in my lair and it's located right here at an abandoned Stewart Corp warehouse.

Max: So what now, you're going to torture me?

Dr. X: No, I'm going to extract your DNA.

Max: Why? To create an army of mutants?

Dr. X: I prefer to call my creations, artificial beings. I created several with your DNA cells and a Spore for one of my projects, but one of them became too unstable and dangerous. So I sent him into space.

 Max: Okay.

Dr. X: Someone has hired me with a lot of money to get a sample of your DNA.

Max: Who hired you, was it Obake?

Dr. X: Obake? I don't know who that is.

Max: So you didn't meet Big Hero 6's new archenemy?

(Dr. X attaches some tubes to Max)

Max: Ow.

Dr. X: These tubes are going to extract your blood and pour it in these vials.

(Max glares at Dr. X)

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