Phase 2 episode 2: Anna Drake

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(Set during the events of Seventh Wheel)

(Anna Drake was sent to a high security warehouse and had to go through many obstacles with high tech gadgets to counter the advanced security. She manage to get into a vault containing a microchip. Before she was trying to grab it, but the alarm goes off as Anna escapes the vault's defense systems, but she leaps into the main room where a group of robot henchmen, led by a supervillain named Dr. Granite surround her while they are carrying guns)

Anna: Interesting trap.

Dr. Granite: Actually.

(Suddenly, Anna gets seized by a nearby chair as two metal arms grab her upper arms)

Anna: Huh?

(The arms are pulling Anna to the chair)

Anna: No! Let me go!

(As Anna is forced to sit in the chair, her wrists and ankles gets clamped down)

Anna: Uh oh.

Dr. Granite: This is the trap.

(Dr. Granite approaches Anna, who struggles against her bonds)

Dr. Granite: A specially designed restraint chair, creating to capture intruders like you. Now answer me a question, why are you here?

Anna: Avalon got intel that you're aware of a secret project created by Dr. X, what is it?

Dr. Granite: Fine, it's called Project: Z, that's all I'm saying right now.

Anna: I need more answers!

(Dr. Granite pulls out a blaster, making Anna gasp)

Dr. Granite: That's all the answers you get!

(Before Dr. Granite could pull the trigger, eye beams suddenly hit the blaster)

Dr. Granite: What?

(Anna turns around and smiles, seeing Mary and Max)

Max: Hi Aunt Anna.

Dr. Granite: Rosestar and Monster Kid? Get them!

(The robot henchmen charge at Mary and Max)

Mary: Great.

(Mary and Max charge at the robot henchmen and easily defeat them, one by one as they approach Dr. Granite)

Max: It's over Dr. Granite.

(Anna flicks a small lock pick out from one of her sleeves and uses it to free her arm as well as her other limbs and gets off from the chair)

Dr. Granite: No, you won't take me to......

(Anna knocks out Dr. Granite in a jab on the neck, causing him to fall to the ground, unconscious as she wakes her way to the vault, disabling the security systems and retrieves the microchip)

Anna: I got it.

Mary: Whatever Dr. X is planning, we'll stop him.

Max: Together.

(Anna clears her throat, getting Max's attention while tapping her foot)

Max: (chuckles nervously) Oh, right.

(Max gives Anna a hug)

Anna: Aw.

(Anna hugs Max back while Mary takes a picture)

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