Monster Kid meets Obake

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(Set during Rivalry Week)

(The next day, Max is patrolling the city for any signs of the giant creature from last night)

Mary: (speaking through Max's phone) Max, are you sure a monster will reappear?

Max: I don't know Mom, but you'll never know when a kaiju appears.

Mary: Okay, be safe.

Max: Bye Mom.

Mary: (clears her throat) Aren't you forgetting something?

Max: Right, love you Mom.

Mary: Love you too my little creature boy.

Max: (blushes in embarrassment) Mom!

(Mary ends the call as Max puts away his phone)

Max: Wonder if Big Hero 6 can help me?

(Max see Big Hero 6 flying above the city)

Max: (develops wings on his back and flies after them) Haha!

(Big Hero 6 arrive at the warehouse, retrieving Lenore Shimamoto's journal)

Baymax: RFID scan indicates that Honey Lemon's ID is inside this building.

Wasabi: Why does it always have to be abandoned warehouses?

Fred: It's part of Bad Guy 101. Right next to fake credentials to steal things.

(Fred turns his attention to Honey Lemon)

Fred: Tell me he did not have a fake beard, cause that's the ultimate trifecta.

(Honey Lemon simply glares at Fred and walks away)

Fred: Trifecta!

Hiro: Did you pick up anything else Baymax?

Baymax: (scans the building and see Obake inside, reading the journal) Yes, there is one person inside. His body temperature is low normal.

Honey Lemon: It's him, and he's got the journal!

Max: (arrives) Mind if I tag along on whatever mission you guys are doing?

Hiro: Uh, sure.

Max: Okay.

(Max and Big Hero 6 enter the warehouse, surrounding Obake)

Obake: (holding the journal and holding Honey Lemon's SFIT ID) Welcome Big Hero 6, I hope you'd locate me quickly. Disappointing.

Max: You're disappointed that they showed up early?

Obake: Indeed. Although I wasn't expecting you Max Stewart or as you like to be called Monster Kid.

Max: Even the bad guy knows who I am.

Honey Lemon: Mr. Ekabo, or whoever you are, you stole Shimamoto's journal.

Max: Really? Stealing a book from the greatest artist/scientist in San Fransokyo? You are messed up.

Obake: Wrong, I only claimed that which belongs with the one who understands its one worth.

Honey Lemon: I understand, I think.

Obake: (uninterested) Please.

Hiro: Hey, uh, who are you?

Max: Yeah.

Obake: I only need one minute, which is perfect because that's all the time you need.

Max: What?

(Obake pushes a button which trapped Big Hero 6)

Big Hero 6 and the Dawn of Monster KidWhere stories live. Discover now