Harold and Jade kidnapped

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(Today is a normal day at Stewart Corp as Jade Stewart is currently in her lab, typing on a computer, working on plans involving upgrades to the security drones)

Jade: Yes, this should improve security.

(Someone knocks on the door)

Jade: Who is it?

(Harold walks into the office)

Harold: Hey Jade.

Jade: Harold!

(Jade gets off from her chair and walks over to her brother)

Jade: What brings you here?

Harold: Well Jade, you wanted me to help improve security. So, I made some modifications to your security drones.

Jade: (smirks while crosses her arms) Go on.

Harold: I added some new...

(Suddenly, something crashed from the ceiling)

Jade: What?

(A strange person wearing a golden vulture-like armor appears in Jade's office, shocking both Harold and Jade)

Jade: What...who are you?

Gold Vulture: I am the Gold Vulture Jade Stewart.

(Harold and Jade's eyes widen)

Jade: How do you know my name?

Gold Vulture: Oh, I know much about you and your brother, Harold. I'm just holding a family reunion.

Harold: Reunion?

(Gold Vulture throws a cube-shaped device on the floor, releasing a white gas that causes Harold and Jade to cough as they collapse onto the floor)

Harold: (groans) What did you do to us?

Gold Vulture: A special paralyzing nerve gas.

Jade: (groans) He's right, my muscles feel so numb!

Gold Vulture: Don't worry, you two will move eventually.

(Gold Vulture walks over to Harold and Jade and grabs them)

Gold Vulture: Time to go.

Harold: Where are you taking us?

Gold Vulture: You'll see.

(Gold Vulture spreads his wings and flies off into the air, laughing)

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