Operation: Rescue Max

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(At the Stewart Mansion, Avalon agents are surrounding the house while the Blight Force, Theodore and Rachel are talking to the family, who all have recovered from the paralysis gas)

Mary: And then, they teleported away.

Rachel: Oh no.

Theodore: So Adam survived all this time, it's makes sense since we never found his body.

Megan: What about Max?

Harold: We need to found him before whatever experiments Dr. X will do to him.

(Mary looks worried as she turns to Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr.)

Mary: Girls, can you communicate with your brother through telepathy.

Ava: We can try.

Debbie: Yes.

(Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr. hold hands and use telepathy to communicate with Max)

Ava: (telepathy) Max, it's us. We're using telepathy to talk to you.

Debbie: (telepathy)Can you tell you where you are?

Max: (telepathy) I'm in Dr. X's lair, he extracting my.........AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

(Max's scream shock Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr. as they scream, grabbing their heads)

Harold: Girls!

(Mary and Harold rush to their daughters to see if they're okay)

Mary: Girls, what happened?

Harold: Did you make telepathic contact with Max?

Debbie: (groans) Max is being held captive by Dr. X, he's doing something to him!

Theodore: Where's the lab?

Ava: We were able to get a mental image from Max, he's being held in Dr. X's lair, which is somewhere in the city.

Mary: Let's go!

(Later at Dr. X's lair, Max is groaning in agony as his blood is being drained from his body and it's pouring into several vials)

Dr. X: Yes!

(Moments later, the DNA extraction stops as Max starts panting when he see Dr. X grabs one of the vials and hands it to one of his robot drones)

Dr. X: Take this to my client.

(As Dr. X opens a window, the robot drone flies out of the lair with the vial)

Dr. X: Now that has been taken care of, what should I do with you?

(Dr. X turns his attention to Max with his hands sparking red electricity)

Dr. X: I'll destroy you!

(Dr. X charges at Max and prepares to throw a punch, only to Mary to crash through the wall and grab his fist)

Mary: Nobody lays a hand on my son!

(Mary punches Dr. X in the face, sending him crashing to his computers)

Max: Mom!

(Mary breaks the restraints and gives Max a hug)

Mary: I was so worried.

Max: Mom, I'm fine.

Mary: What did he do to you?

Max: Someone hired him to take a sample of my DNA.

(Dr. X recovers and angrily approaches them)

Dr. X: You!

(Dr. X charges at Mary and Max, but Rachel and the Blight Force burst through the wall, shocking him Dr. X)

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