Karmi's Fanfiction

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(Takes place after Fan Fiction)

(At the Avalon Superhero Academy, Max and Dennis are in the cafeteria with their friends)

Ava: So this supervillain named Obake stole Lenore Shimamoto, read it, trap Big Hero 6 and left?

Max: Yeah, he expected Big Hero 6 to track him, but not me.

(Blake walks up to the group)

(Blake walks up to the group)

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Blake: Max! Max! Max!

Max: What is it Blake?

Blake: Did you guys read the Big Hero 6 fan fiction?

Alora: No, why?

Blake: Read it, please?

Max: Okay, we'll read it.

(Max, Ava, Debbie, Mary Jr., Blake and Alora check their phones and read the fiction)

Max: Okay, uh...Chop Chop...Speed Queen...Flame Jumper...Tall Girl...Red Panda...Captain Cutie?

Blake: Those are the names she gave to each member of Big Hero 6.

Max: Okay.

Alora: Oh, she has a total crush on the leader of Big Hero 6

Blake: Also, he wrote a story about you on the Monster Kid fan site.

Max: Wait...what?

Ava: (looks at her phone) Uh, guys.

Bluff Dunder: Breaking news! Prison break that is. Master thief and renowned sushi chef Momakase has escaped.

(They gasped)

Max: Wow!

Debbie: She's the same lady who poisoned Alistair Krei.

(Later at the Stewart Mansion, Max, Ava, Debbie, Daisy, Megan, Cora and Daphne were reading Karmi's fan fiction on the Monster Kid fan site)

Max: Whoa!

Megan: Wow!

Daphne: Let's read it.

Monster Kid: The Ultimate Bio-Tech case study

(An alien spaceship enters Earth's atmosphere and lands in downtown San Fransokyo)

In seems like a normal day in San Fransokyo until an intergalactic supervillain named King Lizard, who comes from an alien race of reptilian humanoids, came to take over the Earth.

King Lizard: (walks out from his spaceship with his robot army) People of Earth, I am King Lizard and I claimed this planet as my own.

(King Lizard is stealing DNA samples from a lab)

He plans to steal DNA samples of every kaiju on the planet to create the ultimate monster using advanced Biotechnology from his world. However, he would need a very smart student to help his plans.

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