19 | Ray of Sunshine

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- Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like -



Following the bracelet incident, and a bit off time off from the group, I had hoped Samantha was settling back into life at the palace. I did want to check up on her though.

As usual, Samantha had left her door to her room wide open. And as usual, she had music on.

But this time, I could hear her singing. It stopped me in my tracks as I reached her door so I paused to not interrupt. She didn't even notice me there at first, and even if I did say something she probably wouldn't even hear me over the music.

"...you really don't care for music do ya? It goes like this, the forth, the fifth.."

I watched and listened as Samantha moved about her room, hearing her beautiful singing voice. It was all soft and comforting, like a lullaby.

Samantha still didn't notice I was there, looking outside and tidying things away, all the while brushing her hair.

"..the minor falls, the major lifts...the baffled king composing hallelujahhh.."

I think I got distracted by her voice because I forgot to announce my presence. She just kept singing away and brushing out her blonde locks.


Finally Samantha turned around, and looked up right as she was getting to the good part of the song.

"Halleluja-Ahh! Nicolas!"

As usual when I scare her, she threw the object she was holding at me, her hairbrush. I let it hit me, because I probably deserved it, then picked it up from where it had dropped on the ground.

"You really shouldn't leave your door open you know." I tell her.

"It bothers me when it's closed." Samantha admits quietly, then looks down at the carpet, seeming ashamed.

I step into her room, "Hey, Samantha, I wasn't trying to tease you. I'm considering your safety. Anyone could just wander in."

"Right. I'll, uh, close it."

I shake my head quickly, realising I was making things uncomfortable for her, "No, don't worry about it. I'll make sure the guards keep an eye on your room for safety. Leave the door open."

She looks up at me, gratefully, and smiles, "Alright."

"You have a wonderful singing voice by the way."

Samantha's cheeks go slightly rosy, "Thank you."

I was getting distracted.

I cleared my throat, "The reason I came by was to see if you were doing alright. After everything that happened."

"Yes I'm fine." She reassures me, truely seeming a lot happier and comfortable than the other day.

"I was also wondering, if you'd like to come with me for this morning."

"Oh! On that date?" She's asks, remembering.

"Yes." I say, and then add, "Only if you would like."

Samantha grins, "Well of course. It's not like I have much on my schedule for today."

"Excellent. Are you ready to go?"

"Almost. I was getting ready for the day before you interrupted." She says and takes her hairbrush out of my hands to run through her hair a few times.

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