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Gu Wei bursts through the hospital doors, tightly clutching Chen Yu's hand. His eyes land on a tall, broad man in his forties at the end of the hall.

"Zimo ge! What happened? How is he?" Gu Wei asks in a panic, grabbing onto the older man's arm in desperation.

"He's in surgery." Zimo's brows furrow and a worried look crosses his face. "I got a bit nervous when he called and said he was taking a taxi home." He shakes his head and looks at the floor. "I went out to the gate to meet him, just to be safe. I didn't even hear a gunshot, just Feng's screech of pain." He swallows hard and avoids Gu Wei's eyes. "I ran to the gate, but the shooter must have heard me coming. I didn't see anyone and... Feng was bleeding so badly. I missed the shooter."

"Uncle Jiang was more important in that moment, you did the right thing!" Gu Wei soothes, patting the other man's arm.

"Was he conscious when you reached him? Did he say if he saw the shooter?" Chen Yu asks, full cop mode activated.

"He was. He said he didn't see a thing, he was... shot in the back. The act of a coward!" Zimo's jaw clenches and his nostrils flare. "After he was shot, he said he caught a glimpse of a blurry figure in black." Zimo sighs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Alright. Baobei, let's check at the nurses station to see if there's any news." Chen Yu bows slightly to Zimo and leads a shaky Gu Wei down the hall.

He glances back over his shoulder and see's Zimo clenching his fists, before he slumps down the wall. Something about this shooting feels off. If Uncle Feng called Zimo to let him know that he was taking a taxi home, did he call anyone else? Obviously, the shooter was laying in wait. Could it just be a coincidence? Suddenly, Gu Wei's voice pulls him from his thoughts.

"He's AB negative. Zimo knows that!" Gu Wei shouts in frustration, as a nurse scurries off to let the surgical team know that blood is on the way. "I need to be in there." He starts to head for the operating rooms.

"Lao gong, are you sure that's a good idea?" Chen Yu asks, grabbing his arm and gently tugging.

"I know I can't operate, but I need to know what's happening." Gu Wei's bottom lip quivers and Chen Yu's heart tightens in his chest.

"Alright. I'll be right here waiting." Chen Yu wipes the tears from Gu Wei's cheeks and kisses his forehead.

As soon as Gu Wei leaves his sight, Chen Yu pulls out his cell phone and calls Wu Zhen Feng. He knows he needs to be here for Gu Wei and Uncle Feng, but he needs more information on the shooting. He notices two uniformed officers enter the hospital, along with two detectives. He's momentarily angry at seeing Detective Xi, Uncle Feng is still holding on. There's no need for homicide yet, then he sighs. He knows that Xi is a good cop and will keep him in the loop.

"Officer Chen, how is he?" Xi asks, striding over with a concerned look on his face.

"He's in surgery, lost a lot of blood." Chen Yu sighs again, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "I don't know. He's strong, he won't go down easily." He says with a sorrowful grin.

"A'Yu!" Xiao Lin's voice has his head snapping up. She hurries to his side, Wu Zhen Feng right behind her. "How could this happen? We just had dinner with him." She sniffs and rubs her eyes. "How is he? Where's A'Wei?"

"Uncle is in surgery and Wei went to be near him. It's late, jiejie you didn't have to come." Chen Yu wraps his arms around her and rubs her back, before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"A'Yu, this is family! Of course I needed to come." She sobs, clutching his jacket. "I won't let you and A'Wei face this alone."

"A'Yu, what can I do? You know I can't just sit here, give me something to do. Tell me how I can help." Wu Zhen Feng demands with a look of hopeless devastation.

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