Marking Territory

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry this chapter took longer... I actually wrote the entire thing today lol This is a busy time of year and I may fall behind again before the new year gets here, please bear 🐻 with me!

After arriving at Uncle Feng's home and being lead to a spacious den, Chen Yu glances at Gu Wei. He watches his husband pace nervously back and forth. He steps up behind him and wraps his arms around Gu Wei's waist.

"Calm down." Chen Yu whispers after feeling Gu Wei flinch at his touch. "Nothing is going to happen with me and Zimo here. I promise I'll keep you safe." He softly kisses the side of Gu Wei's neck.

"I'm sorry baobei, I know you will. I'm actually nervous... I mean, what do we do if we find a mole in Uncle's house? On the other hand, how long will this drag out if we don't?" Gu Wei sighs and leans into Chen Yu's arms. "Zimo ge said he'd start by bringing the new hires in. I think I'm going to the surveillance room. I want see the night of the attack myself."

"Mn, good idea." Chen Yu doesn't really want him around for the questioning of staff he probably see's as family.

A knock on the door pulls them back to the present and Gu Wei pulls away reluctantly. He kisses Chen Yu's cheek and opens the door. He smiles at the housekeeper as he exits the room.

"Please, have a seat. I won't take up much of your time, I promise." Chen Yu says to the nervous young woman.

He takes a seat in a large armchair and watches her fidget, before finally sitting on the sofa opposite him. He watches her closely, her nerves are evident. Just why is she so nervous, that's the question.

"I'm sure you're aware of what happened to your employer the other night?" Chen Yu asks, he's shocked when her head snaps up and her eyes nearly bug out of her skull.

"What? You think I had something to do with that?" The young woman pales and bites her lip. "Uhmm, to be honest, I thought you were here because of the complaint I filed yesterday."

"What complaint?" Chen Yu asks, leaning forward with interest. "Just relax and tell me what's going on."

"Well..." She takes a deep breath. "I don't think it has anything to do with Uncle Feng being hurt, but... one of the bodyguards, he's just not a nice man." Tears spring to her eyes. "He... touches me sometimes. I can handle that, it's what he says about Dr. Gu that upsets me most." She twists her fingers together and glances up nervously at Chen Yu's low growl.

"You shouldn't have to handle that kind of behavior Miss. And just what does he have to say?" Chen Yu asks, through gritted teeth.

"I... I'd rather not repeat it. His name is Woo. I don't want to cause trouble for Uncle Feng, so I just bare it." She shrinks back into herself.

"Don't worry. Uncle Feng is not the type of person who would let this slide, trust me." Chen Yu gives her a reassuring smile. "Please let Zimo know if you have any other issues. You can return to your work."

After she leaves, he picks up his cell and calls Zimo, who confirms he received the report from the housekeeper just the day before. Chen Yu asks for the next of the recent hires to be sent in. A large burley, hairy man enters the room a few moments later.

"Hello Officer." He bows to Chen Yu and stands with his hands folded in front of him.

"Hello Mr. Kwon, please have a seat." Chen Yu studies the man's expression and movement. "When were you injured?" He askes, as Kwon takes a seat on the sofa.

"Oh, umm." Kwon looks quite shocked at this question, he takes a deep breath and prepares to answer. "It's actually an old injury Sir. It's not on my resume though." He hangs his head. "I was afraid I wouldn't get the job if Uncle Feng knew."

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