True Colors

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"He's smarter than you are." Zimo grins. "He's working you up and waiting for you to make a mistake." He tosses the envelope back onto Uncle Benny's desk, shrugging his shoulders.

"You think I should 'sit tight' don't you?" Uncle Benny asks contemplating his words. "But how long do I have to wait? This kid is driving me crazy!" He roars, surging to his feet to pace.

"Maybe Zimo is right. Give it a couple days at least and see if he makes a move." Geng Le says, shooting his cousin a glare.

"Fine. Two days, no more. I'll have a stroke at this rate from the stress this punk is causing me." Uncle Benny sighs and flops down in his chair. "Two days."

* * *

Chen Yu has received an email from the I.T. department regarding Zimo's background and he's pacing in the bedroom. He knows this news is going to turn everything upside down, but Zimo has yet to make a move against him. Maybe he hasn't really chosen a side yet.

"Yu'er?" Gu Wei enters the room to see Chen Yu pacing nervously, a hand pressed against his rib cage. "Lao gong, what's wrong?" Gu Wei rushes forward to examine him and jolts at the look in his eyes.

"Call Uncle up here. There aren't any cameras here." Chen Yu says, looking defeated as Gu Wei freezes, before hurrying out the door.

A few minutes later he returns with Uncle Feng to see Chen Yu sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. Gu Wei rushes forward and kneels before him, taking his hands.

"What is it Yu'er? What's got you so upset?" Gu Wei asks, reaching up to caress Chen Yu's cheek.

"It's... Zimo." Chen Yu swallows hard and looks up at Uncle Feng. "I still have no proof he's the shooter in either case and he's never made a move against me." He hurriedly says, shaking his head.

"Are you defending him?" Uncle Feng asks, sighing as he sees Gu Wei begin to tremble. He realizes Chen Yu is trying to be gentle for him. "What have you found, it's alright to tell us son. We'll handle it."

"Zimo is... he's Uncle Benny's grandson." Chen Yu says, grabbing a tottering Gu Wei and pulling him up onto his lap. He looks over to see the color drain from Uncle Feng's face, as he plops onto a chair. "He's the eldest grandson, but he's not the chosen heir. Maybe they don't have ties beyond blood." Chen Yu says, trying to soothe. He knows Zimo has been in contact with Uncle Benny, but to what extent and why?

"You were right from the beginning." Uncle Feng sounds suddenly so weary. "I've kept a viper beside me all these years. How could I have been so blinded?"

"But... he was clearly relieved that Yu'er survived the crash. Maybe..." Gu Wei trails off, tears of betrayal stinging his eyes. "I feel sick." He jumps up and runs for the bathroom.

"Damnit!" Chen Yu says, hurrying after him. He enters the bathroom to see Gu Wei crouched over the toilet heaving. "Oh baobei." He kneels down beside him, rubbing his back. "I'm so sorry. I'll get the truth for you, I promise." He reaches over to wet a cloth and places it on the back of Gu Wei's neck. "I'm sorry lao gong, we promised no secrets. I couldn't keep it from you while I investigate." He hears a sob and pulls Gu Wei into his arms.

"He was family to me." Gu Wei sobs, clutching at Chen Yu's arms. "He's always been a part of my life, like a favorite Unlce." He chokes on a sob and buries his face in Chen Yu's neck. "He... he killed..."

"We don't know that yet lao gong." Chen Yu says softly, cradling him close and rubbing his back. "He'll be back soon and I want to have a little chat with him." He feels Gu Wei stiffen in his arms. "You can watch on the surveillance cameras. I don't think he'll try anything." He says, glancing over to see Uncle Feng standing in the doorway.

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