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   It's been several days. Zimo has been discharged from the hospital, but he's still on restrictions. The meeting with Uncle Feng and the other Triad leaders is this afternoon and Chen Yu is concerned.

   Gu Wei has gotten his car back from the police and headed off to work. Chen Yu just picked up his new truck yesterday, it's a deep hunter green. He's waited until Gu Wei left to get dressed, not wanting him to worry. He dons the pinstriped suit Gu Wei bought him at Brooks Brothers during their wedding and honeymoon trip in New York. He checks his reflection and shakes his head, thinking he's just not meant to be this elegant looking.

   In the lobby, Mr. Su does a double take and let's out a whistle. "Looking good Yu!" He grins.

"Thank you San, I have an important meeting today. I hope it's not to much." Chen Yu nervously rubs the back of his neck.

"Looking like that, whatever you're aiming for... you're bound to get." Mr. Su chuckles and holds the door for him. "Good luck."

   Chen Yu bows his head grinning, as he heads to his truck. Sliding behind the wheel, he sighs. He knows what he's about to do could cause trouble, but he doesn't want to wait around any longer. He starts the engine and grins, he really missed his truck. He heads toward the manor trying to decide how he's going to convince Uncle Feng.

   Thirty minutes later he passes through the manor's gate, the guard raising his brows in surprise. He parks his truck and takes a deep breath before getting out. As he approaches the door, it opens and Zimo's eyes widen in shock. He turns and says something to someone in the house and Uncle Feng appears. He looks Chen Yu up and down and beckons him inside. He doesn't say anything, as he leads the way to the dining table. Hong is helping Nanny clear the breakfast dishes and he looks pale.

"A'Yu, have a seat and tell me what the hell is going through your head?" Uncle Feng says, taking his seat at the head of the table.

"Uncle, Zimo is not in any condition to accompany you to the meeting this afternoon." Chen Yu begins, shooting a glance at Zimo. "I know you have plenty of other capable guards, but I hope you'll allow me to be by your side. It's to dangerous."

"Hong is going with me." Uncle Feng says, and the young man flinches. Uncle Feng sighs and taps a finger on the table. "Spit it out son, it's much more dangerous for you to go. Just what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, they're all going to be curious about me and they'll want to poke at you, test you. They'll want to see if recent events have made you soft. I don't want to wait around for various Triad to come sniffing around me and mine. I figure, if I show myself... show that I'm loyal to you, maybe they'll be satisfied with that. Also, I want to watch your back. You had a bullet removed from it just a couple weeks ago." Chen Yu releases a deep breath and waits for Uncle Feng's decision.

"I knew you had guts kid, but this." Zimo grins, shaking his head. "I assume A'Wei doesn't know about this yet."

"I figure, better to ask for forgiveness than permission on this one." Chen Yu swallows hard. "He's going to be pretty pissed when I tell him later." He smirks, almost looking forward to his punishment from his angry husband.

"Alright." Uncle Feng sighs. "You can act as my right hand today. Don't get your hopes up Hong, I still want you along." He says, seeing the young man sigh in relief.

"Of course. I'm glad that I won't be the center of attention though." Hong mumbles looking at Chen Yu in awe.

"Any questions A'Yu?" Uncle Feng asks, watching him relax into the chair for the first time.

"Just one. How are weapons handled at these meetings?" Chen Yu unbuttons his left sleeve to show the hidden blades there. "Excusable or not?"

"You're going to cause quite the stir." Uncle Feng says grinning. "I guess we'll find out together."

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