Wheel of Fate

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That afternoon, Gu Wei and Xiao Lin walk into a baby boutique and Xiao Lin freezes. Gu Wei see's shock and uncertainty on her face, as she glances around.

"What is it jiejie, what's wrong?" Gu Wei asks, putting a reassuring arm around her shoulder.

"A'Wei, there's just so much... stuff a baby needs. I never realized. It's a bit unnerving." She giggles, rubbing her slightly swollen tummy.

"That's why I printed this out at home. It's an essentials checklist." Gu Wei grins, placing a sheet of paper in her hand. "We'll start you a registry and make sure to include the important things listed here. So, let's get started."

An hour and a half later, Gu Wei notices Xiao Lin looking rather wistfully at a rocking chair. It's white, with several tiny red hearts painted on it. The seat is a pastel pink with matching red hearts. He takes a couple photos from behind her and asks her if she wants to add it to the registry.

"Oh no! It's much to expensive." She trails a hand down the arm of the rocker and smiles softly. "It reminds me a bit of a rocker my Grandmother gave me when I was a girl. My parents have probably gotten rid of it by now." She mumbles softly.

"Well, let's continue with our list." Gu Wei says, his voice cheerful. He shoots Chen Yu a text with the photos.

* * *

After loading the rocker onto the truck and making sure it's secure and padded, Chen Yu's phone pings.

~Lao gong, jiejie was quite fond of this rocking chair. Mission accomplished. 😉😘

He laughs and shows the photos to Wu Zhen Feng. They both nod and grin, before heading back toward the city. They stop off at a specialty furniture store and unload the rocker. Wu Zhen Feng nervously tries to explain things and Chen Yu simply emails the photos and asks how long the refinishing will take.

"Well, it seems like a fairly simple refinishing and we're not to busy right now. I'd say a week, two at the most. Of course we'll call as soon as it's ready." The salesman smiles and takes down Chen Yu's number.

"Wait, why your number?" Wu Zhen Feng asks confused.

"You don't want to ruin the surprise, do you?" Chen Yu asks with raised brows.

"Oh, right." Wu Zhen Feng clears his throat and laughs.

Chen Yu's cell rings and he glances at the screen, then gives Wu Zhen Feng a strange look before answering.

"Hello Captain Deng." Chen Yu takes a breath listening and then squeezes his eyes closed. "When?" He sighs and opens his eyes to a questioning Wu Zhen Feng. "We're on our way." He ends the call and glances around helplessly. "The other man that held Mrs. Mu hostage... was knifed in jail." Chen Yu rubs at the back of his neck as they climb into the truck. "I guess Uncle Benny is trying to tie up loose ends."

* * *

As Chen Yu and Wu Zhen Feng enter the morgue, Detective Xi glances up from a stool. He shakes his head and nods toward a covered body.

"This wasn't your average jailhouse incident." Xi announces, standing to cross to Chen Yu. "The perp was a first time offender." Xi runs a hand through his hair, trying to shake away the confusion. "He was in on a drug charge, a nonviolent offense. This... doesn't make sense."

"Uncle Benny." Chen Yu says, pulling down the sheet to look at the man's body. "No obvious signs of a fight." He pulls the sheet down to mid torso and furrows his brows. "Stabbed in the back, yeah your perp wasn't ready for this level of violence. Where's Lin?" He asks, glancing around the room.

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