Little Princess

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Gu Wei steps into a coffee shop, while Chen Yu sits in his truck updating Wu Zhen Feng on his latest theories about the case. As Gu Wei stands in line, he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns smiling brightly, thinking it's Chen Yu. An attractive woman in her mid-forties smiles back at him, a little uncertain.

"Dr. Gu Wei, right?" The woman asks, offering her hand. "I'm Ji Ling, would you have a moment to chat?"

Before he can respond, he see's Chen Yu's concerned face looming behind the woman. He bites his lip, trying not grin at the jealousy mixed in with the worry on his husband's face. Ji Ling must sense something, she turns and flinches slightly, seeing Chen Yu watching her.

"Uhm, I'm not trying to cause trouble here, honest." Ji Ling says, stepping back from Gu Wei. She fidgets slightly as he steps up to place his order for a large black coffee and an iced latte. He turns to look at her.

"What would you like? We can chat over a coffee." Gu Wei says, giving her an easy smile. He assumes she or a family member was a patient of his.

"Oh thank you, uhm, a cappuccino please." Ji Ling bows her head, trying to avoid Chen Yu's curious gaze.

After getting their drinks, Chen Yu leads them to a cozy corner booth. He sits Gu Wei on the inside and takes a seat beside him, gesturing for Ji Ling to take a seat across from them. He watches her fidget nervously, as she takes her first sip of coffee.

"What is it you want to talk about Ms. Ji?" Gu Wei asks, noticing her increasing nervousness as Chen Yu watches her closely.

"Uhm, I'm not sure if your Uncle ever mentioned me." Ji Ling rubs her neck and glances at Gu Wei. He seems to be searching his memory for her name, but begins to shake his head.

"You must be the mysterious 'lady friend?'" Chen Yu asks cautiously, cocking his head and leaning back a bit more relaxed.

"Oh, yes. I guess he did mention me." Ji Ling blushes and smiles, worrying a large engagement ring.

"My Uncle wouldn't have an affair with a married woman. Either you two haven't seen each other for a while or he doesn't know." Gu Wei's jaw tightens and Ji Ling flinches at the veiled accusation.

"It's been about six months since we've seen each other. The engagement is less than a month old." She hangs her head and bites her lip. "You're right, he'd never break up a relationship." She sighs, looking up into Gu Wei's eyes. "That's part of the reason I've come to see you." She clears her throat and sips more coffee. "He knew I had started dating someone seriously and he stopped taking my calls five months ago. I tried again to contact him after the shooting, just to make sure he was alright." Tears glisten in her eyes.

"He's fine. You've known him for years, right?" Gu Wei asks, reaching over to pat her hand gently. "You know how strong he is, we had a difficult time keeping in the hospital." He chuckles softly.

"You're a very kind young man and you have a good relationship." Ji Ling says, smiling somewhat sadly at Gu Wei and Chen Yu's linked hands on the tabletop. "Not that I expected any less, he's a good man, of course he'd raise a good man." Her bottom lip trembles and she bursts into tears. "Oh God, I don't know what to do. He's going to hate me for this."

"Is there something you know? Something you want to tell Uncle?" Gu Wei asks, unintentionally pulling his hand away from hers.

"Oh God, it's not what you're thinking!" Ji Ling panics and wipes her eyes. "I... my upcoming marriage isn't something I want. But I have to do it for my families sake, my father is very... powerful. I tried to tell him five months ago, but he wouldn't return my calls. I... we have child together." She shakes and sobs once again. "She's barely a month old and my fiancé and my father both want her quietly put up for adoption. She's Uncle Feng's daughter Dr. Gu, she's your cousin." She swallows hard and takes a deep breath. "I came to see how you turned out, a man raised in the shadow of the Triad. I don't want my daughter... to be raised by strangers. I don't want to let her go!" She falls into uncontrollable sobs and Chen Yu moves to kneel beside her.

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