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"Ge, can you handle the interrogations without me?" Chen Yu asks, shooting Wu Zhen Feng a pleading look.

"Of course." Wu Zhen Feng grins and pats his shoulder. "Go let A'Wei patch you up, before he kicks your ass." He chuckles, walking toward a patrol car.

As Chen Yu gets behind the wheel of his pickup, that was driven over by another Officer, he debates on whether or not he should call Gu Wei. He uses his belt to staunch the bleeding and sighs. If he doesn't let him know that he was injured, he'll get an earful later. If he tells him, he knows he'll worry until he see's him. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel, leaning his head back and shutting his eyes. A horn honking beside him pulls him back and he looks over to see Wu Zhen Feng grinning at him. He puts his window down and pouts.

"Stop being afraid of that pussycat husband of yours and get some medical attention! Before you bleed out kid!" Wu Zhen Feng shakes his head and drives off chuckling.

* * *

Gu Wei is pacing by the den doorway, biting his thumb. He keeps wondering why Chen Yu hasn't contacted him yet. Did something go wrong? Is he alright? Suddenly he stops in his tracks, hearing Chen Yu's voice in the foyer.

"Sewing kit and some alcohol? Any kind of alcohol is fine." Chen Yu's voice is low, but he sounds fine.

"A'Yu, this house raised a doctor. We have a fully stocked first aide kit. I'll fetch it for you." Nanny's voice sounds both worried and amused.

The den door bursts open and Gu Wei flies toward Chen Yu, but he stops short. His eyes water, his lip quivers, and his face pales.

"Shit." Chen Yu says, seeing the shock and fear on his husband's face. "It's not as bad as it looks lao gong, honest!" He soothes, stepping up to Gu Wei with a slight limp. His thumb brushes a tear from Gu Wei's cheek.

"Really?" Gu Wei's voice is like iron and Chen Yu jolts at his tone. "Because it looks like you've been shot!"

Uncle Feng rushes into the foyer, Nanny right behind him. His eyes widen at the blood on Chen Yu's jeans and the words Gu Wei just said.

"Shot? What the hell is going on around here?" Uncle Feng shoves both men towards the den and beckons Nanny to follow. "Sit!" He tells them, pointing to the sofa. "Don't you dare worry about the furniture right now young man." He says, seeing the hesitation in Chen Yu's eyes.

"And I was hoping you'd help me calm him down." Chen Yu grumbles under his breath.

"Pants off before you sit." Gu Wei demands coldly.

"Lao gong." Chen Yu says, looking nervously at Nanny and Uncle Feng.

"Now Yu'er." Gu Wei says, crossing his arms over his chest and giving him a look that makes him shiver.

Chen Yu blushes, but removes the belt from around his thigh and takes off his jeans. His heart stutters at the momentary heartbreak in Gu Wei's eyes.

"Now sit." Gu Wei demands, taking a seat on the sofa and opening the first aide kit. "Shit! Yu'er, the bullet is still in your leg!" Gu Wei's tough guy image drops and he searches Chen Yu's face.

"If I'd dug it out, you'd have killed me." Chen Yu smirks, rubbing Gu Wei's cheek. "I only trust you baobei, besides, you know I don't like needles." Chen Yu mumbles.

"What am I suppose to do with you?" Gu Wei sighs and looks around the room.

"Whiskey?" Nanny asks, pulling a small bottle from her apron. "I figured you might need it." She winks at Chen Yu, getting up to grab a cup from the tea service on the coffee table.

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