Special Delivery

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"I can't believe you insisted on an getting a seven and a half foot tree." Chen Yu says grinning. He keeps sneaking glances at his husband, as they head out to the parking lot.

"Mn, a tree should be taller than I am. Since I'm slightly over six feet, doesn't it make sense? Besides, we have vaulted ceiling's, it'll look nice." Gu Wei blushes, feeling Chen Yu's hand slip around his.

"You don't need to overcompensate for a childhood I may have lacked. It was before I knew you. I just want to make memories with you..." Chen Yu leans in close to whisper into his ear. "All kinds of memories." He kisses Gu Wei's flushed cheek.

"Ahem, everything will be delivered next week." Gu Wei says, changing the subject as they reach their car. He pauses, furrowing his brows. "I wonder how long before your insurance claim gets approved. Not that I mind sharing the car, but with our schedules and your occupation..."

"It shouldn't be to long lao gong and ge said he'd pick me up whenever I need him to, don't worry." Chen Yu says, grinning and opening the door. "Wait! Step back Wei!" He shouts freezing.

"What is it Yu'er?" Gu Wei asks, taking several steps back in fear.

"It's not locked, which means, someone's been inside. Call it in baobei." Chen Yu says, dropping to the ground and looking under the car. "Thank God." He mumbles under his breath, seeing nothing unusual attached to the car. "Baobei, you still have that kit in the trunk?"

"Uhm, yes." Gu Wei says nervously hanging up the phone. He heads to the trunk and retrieves a first aid kit. He automatically hands Chen Yu a pair of plastic gloves, as he rises from the ground wincing slightly. "Yu'er, they're sending a team. Please don't overdo it lao gong."

"I'm ok, just a little tender. No devices left behind." Chen Yu looks inside the car and sees a note on the steering wheel. "But they left a note. I guess Uncle Benny is more nervous than I thought."

"What's it say?" Gu Wei asks, slipping his arm around Chen Yu's waist to help support him.

"Hmm, 'The war is only just beginning. Keep your guard up kid.' Old fart, trying to remind me of his seniority. I guess my not responding to his flowers and ignoring the tail pissed him off more than I thought." Chen Yu chuckles, as the first police vehicle pulls up.

"Wait, what tail? Have we been followed today?" Gu Wei glances around uneasy. "Yu'er, how can you be so calm in all of this?" He asks, exasperated.

"It's alright Wei." Chen Yu grins, kissing his cheek. "I know him better than he knows himself." He smirks and steps over to the officers arriving. "Perp gained entry through the passenger door and left a note on the steering wheel. Sweep for trace and prints, although I doubt you'll find any. Also, please check the undercarriage for devices, I did a scan with my eyes and didn't notice anything."

"You got out of the hospital and you're crawling around on the ground?" Wu Zhen Feng's voice scolds from nearby. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Ge, what are you doing here?" Chen Yu asks grinning.

"Was out getting ice cream for Xiao Lin when I heard over the scanner. You two alright?" Wu Zhen Feng asks, looking at how pale they both are. He knows Chen Yu is in pain and Gu Wei is concerned. "Going to the manner? I'll take you over when you're done here. Bag in the trunk?"

"Mn, thanks ge. I mean it. Did you let jiejie know?" Chen Yu asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, she's calling your Uncle to let him know." He grins, seeing Chen Yu flinch at the news.

Gu Wei's cell rings and he looks at Chen Yu worriedly. "Hello?" He swallows hard and grins. "We're both alright Uncle, Yu'er sensed things before I even knew what was happening." He winks at his husband. "Ge said he'd bring us to the manor, I'm sure the police will be keeping my car for a bit."

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