War is Coming

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   Gu Wei watches Xiao Lin fawn over Chen Yu and smiles. He knows Chen Yu is letting her take care of him, to help her calm down. She's fluffed his pillow, tucked in his blanket, and poured him a glass of water.

"I've been thinking... maybe you should give homicide some serious thought." Gu Wei suddenly blurts out, causing all three heads to turn his way in confusion. "Hear me out." He says, tossing up his hands as if in defense. "It's true this case is special. But the Triad, especially Uncle Benny's branch, do deal heavily in drug trafficking." He notices an exchange of impressed glances between Chen Yu and Wu Zhen Feng. "I've done some research. Anyway, although the Triad isn't clean when it comes to murder, I feel you'll be farther from them there. Safer, less of a threat to the whole." He sees Xiao Lin bite her lip and glance at her husband. "It was just a thought, sorry." He bows his head and sits back down beside Chen Yu.

"I think you've got a point." Xiao Lin says, in a small voice. "I know it's something A'Yu has always been interested in. Especially after meeting you." She grins at them and steps up to grasp her husband's hand. "I know Wu Zhen Feng has recently been struggling with it. At first, I thought he'd turn it down right away." She gives his hand a squeeze. "He's squeamish. But... he's seen the impact catching a killer has on the loved ones left behind."

"I think A'Yu is right, we could make a bigger difference there. He's also right about either department having its dangers." Wu Zhen Feng returns the squeeze of Xiao Lin's hand and steps closer to Chen Yu's bedside. He ruffles his hair and pats his shoulder. "Besides, we'll have each other's back's, like always."

"Ge... are you sure?" Chen Yu asks, patting the hand on his shoulder and looking up at Wu Zhen Feng with moist eyes. "This isn't something you need to do, especially not for me."

"I'm sure." He grins and pats Xiao Lin's belly. "I'm doing this for us, for my entire family." He shoots his wife a grin, wiping tears from her cheeks. "The potential for less hours and better pay, my girls deserve that." He puffs out his chest and they all giggle. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I talked to Captain Deng, he says if it's really not for me, he'll find a place for me to return to in drug enforcement." He shrugs his shoulders at Chen Yu's raised brows and grins sheepishly. "My girls also deserve a parachute."

"You all do. All three of you deserve the best. And... thank you both. I know this wasn't an easy decision for either of you." Chen Yu hangs his head, fumbling with his thumbs. "I'm just grateful you still both want me around, after all the trouble I've caused lately."

"You caused?" Xiao Lin snaps at him, leaning in to poke his chest. "How has any of this been your doing? You didn't make Song a drug dealing, homicidal, rapist! And you're not responsible for Uncle Benny and his faction of the Triad getting greedy either. That's on them, not you." Her voice softens and she brushes back his hair, looking into those sad puppy eyes. "You just do your job, both of you." She looks back at her husband, then back to Chen Yu. "You stop them. That's what you're responsible for, that's what you're good at and that's what scares them." She kisses his forehead and wipes at her eyes, clearing her throat. "Well, Daiyu is famished." She rubs her tummy with a grin. "We'll get out of your hair for now. If you need anything... don't hesitate to call us."

"Thanks jiejie, thanks ge. You know, I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't picked up." Chen Yu whispers to Wu Zhen Feng, as he leans in for a quick hug.

"You'll never need to know, I'll always pick up for you didi. Always." Wu Zhen Feng smiles and hugs Gu Wei goodbye, then leaves with Xiao Lin tucked under his arm.

"I have a feeling I just might owe gege... my life? Because you are my life. Tell me about it Yu'er, it'll help. Maybe you'll remember something important." Gu Wei says, lying down beside him. He smiles, Chen Yu sighing and snuggling into his arms.

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