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"You're kidding right?" Gu Wei looks from Uncle Feng to Chen Yu, he's in shock. "You don't really think it's the same shooter? Why come back after 30 years?" He turns back to his Uncle, his face growing pale. "If they came for you, does that mean..." He quickly turns to look at his husband. "I won't let you become a target."

"A'Wei, calm down." Uncle Feng soothes, stroking his thumb across the back of Gu Wei's hand. "You've been removed from the situation. There's absolutely no reason for you to be a target. I've made certain that you have no ties to the Triad, aside from me." He grins meekly.

"How can you be so calm? In the past two weeks alone, my husband was shot and now you?" Gu Wei's voice comes out a high pitched shriek. His body is shaking and there are tears threatening to fall.

"Lao gong, it was scratch." Chen Yu pulls up his sleeve to show the fading scar. "See, barely noticeable now." He grins and squeezes Gu Wei's hand. "And Uncle Feng is going to be fine." He looks from Gu Wei to Uncle Feng. "But I want to personally beef up your security. I have an officer standing guard while you're here, but once you're home... We won't give them a second chance." Chen Yu states matter-of-factly. Watching Uncle Feng sigh, resigned to this new overprotective family member. Gu Wei vigorously nods his head in agreement.

"Alright. I'll trust you to handle that for me then. Try not to leave Zimo out, I know he's feeling guilty right now." Uncle Feng asks, grinning at Chen Yu.

"I'm afraid he may have been in shock." Gu Wei admits worriedly. "He forgot your blood type and that put you in great danger." His jaw clenches, but he quickly releases it when he feels Uncle Feng squeeze his hand again.

"Alright. A'Yu, you should take him home." Uncle Feng blinks in confusion at the shocked look on Chen Yu's face. "What? What's wrong?"

"Uncle, I don't think Yu'er is really accustomed to anyone but jiejie and gege referring to him that way." Gu Wei smiles and reaches out to caress Chen Yu's cheek. "But we're family, so he's just going to have to learn."

"I'm sorry son, did I make you uncomfortable?" Uncle Feng asks, concern etched in his brows. Chen Yu merely shakes his head. "Good. You're married to the most important person in my life, naturally that makes you quite important too." He winks at the shy look suddenly on Chen Yu's face and grins at Gu Wei. "Seriously, you two should go home and let this injured old man rest."

Gu Wei chuckles softly as Uncle Feng sinks back into his pillow, trying his best to look old and feeble. He rises from the bedside and leans over to kiss his Uncle's cheek, before he takes Chen Yu's hand and quietly leaves the room. When they close the door behind them, the officer guarding it bows his head and his eyes dart down the hallway. They see Zimo pacing back and forth nervously.

"Zimo ge. Why don't you go see him? He seems in good spirits, but he's worried about you." Gu Wei says with a grin.

"He's worried about me? Why? Did he hit his head? He was the one shot!" Zimo chokes out, shaking his head. "I didn't protect him, I don't think I can face him." He sighs and his shoulders slump.

"That's why he's worried. He's afraid that guilt will burden you." Gu Wei pats his shoulder and shoves him toward Uncle Feng's room. "Go. It will do you both good."

Zimo takes a deep breath and heads for the door, pausing to look back at Gu Wei with a forced smile. Gu Wei grins back and turns toward the exit. He jolts slightly at the weight on his arm. Glancing over his shoulder, he see's Chen Yu deep in thought and fixed in place. He gently tugs on his hand.

"Let's go home lao gong." Gu Wei says, watching the unfocused and worried expression disappear from Chen Yu's face like smoke.

"Mm, sorry. Let's go, I have a little work to do when we get home. You should rest." He raises their hands and kisses the back of Gu Wei's, giving him a reassuring grin.

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