Is it Over?

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Zimo steps forward, tapping the handgun in the waistband on his back once before he puts his hands in the air.

"You ungrateful brat. Looks like you've chosen your side at last." Uncle Benny sneers at Zimo, before turning his attention to Chen Yu. "Drop the gun, if you don't want to see any unnecessary holes in your lover." He grins, seeing Chen Yu not hesitate to toss his gun aside. "Geng Le, grab the gun. I don't want him trying anything... heroic."

Chen Yu's hand slips behind him, passing Gu Wei a blade. He glances to the side and sees Zimo try to scoot closer to him. Geng Le drops his guard, bending down in front of Chen Yu to pickup the discarded gun. Chen Yu springs into action, grabbing him and forcing him into a headlock. Geng Le quickly drops both guns, clutching at his throat in a panic. Chen Yu is using him as a human shield, confident Uncle Benny won't want harm to come to his heir.

"You idiot!" Uncle Benny roars. He turns his attention back to Chen Yu after taking a deep breath. He grins. "You think you have the upper hand here?" He laughs and Zimo flinches.

"Grandfather, don't do this." Zimo warns, seeing the wild look in the old man's eyes.

"If I lose an heir, I've still got you." Uncle Benny says, he sees Geng Le's eyes widen in shock and his head shakes. "Sorry, you're just not as important as my reputation."

Uncle Benny pulls the trigger and Geng Le goes limp in Chen Yu's hold. Uncle Benny aims directly at Chen Yu and fires again, but Zimo leaps in front of Chen Yu. As Zimo slumps over, Chen Yu has already pulled the gun from his waistband. He fires at Uncle Benny and blinks in shock, seeing one of his blades already in Uncle Benny's stomach. He turns to glance at Gu Wei, who's dropping to his knees beside Zimo.

"Stay with him." Chen Yu tells Gu Wei, who is already putting pressure on Zimo's wound to staunch the blood. He dashes over to Uncle Benny and kicks his gun out of reach, watching his eyes flutter.

Screeching tires pull his attention to a car, Wu Zhen Feng getting out at a dead run, weapon drawn. Just then, Xinger exits the hospital cautiously assessing the damage. She darts back in and quickly returns with several doctors and nurses.

"Guess I'm late." Wu Zhen Feng says, shaking his head as he holsters his weapon. He watches Chen Yu walk over and kneel down by Geng Le, checking for a pulse. He shakes his head at the doctor hurrying over and points to Uncle Benny.

"This one's gone, but the old man is still alive. Zimo is top priority though." Chen Yu looks over to see Gu Wei and another doctor placing him on a gurney and hurrying off to surgery. He turns to Wu Zhen Feng with a confused look on his face. "He took a bullet for me, what the hell was he thinking?"

"Penance? I'll call this in and start on securing the area. You should let your Uncle know, it's over and Zimo is injured." Wu Zhen Feng says, already dialing his cell.

"Yeah." Chen Yu sighs and looks toward where he last saw Gu Wei and Zimo. He pulls out his cell and dials Uncle Feng. "Uncle, it's finally over. But Zimo, he took a bullet for me." His voice cracks and his knees feel weak. No one has ever stood in front him like that, shielding him.

"Are you and A'Wei alright?" Uncle Feng's shaky voice brings him back to himself.

"We're fine. Wei went in with the surgical team. Uncle Benny is heading to surgery too." Chen Yu says, looking at the three blood stains in the parking lot.

"I'm on my way. Sit tight son, you did good." Uncle Feng says, just before the line goes dead.

I wish I felt the same, Chen Yu thinks to himself. He sees the forensic team and other officers arrive and he heads inside the hospital. The surveillance footage will be needed for the investigation.

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