A new threat?

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As the three men enter the hospital with Soo-Yung in tow, Gu Wei stops outside Ji Ling's room and grabs the chart by the door. Uncle Feng shoots him a glance, his hand on the doorknob.

"Go ahead. I'm sure you want privacy, Wei and I will see what we can find out." Chen Yu says, noticing Gu Wei hasn't looked up from the chart. Uncle Feng gives him a nod and enters the room, Soo-Yung in the crook of his arm. Chen Yu's cell signals an incoming text and he steps away to read it.

"Did ge find the report?" Gu Wei asks, finally looking away from the chart. He inhales sharply at Chen Yu's nod. "She's going to be okay, a concussion and a broken rib from the seatbelt. She's only here for observation, due to the concussion." Gu Wei tells him, trying to soothe as he rubs Chen Yu's back.

"Appears it was a drunk driver." Chen Yu says, pursing his lips and creasing his brow. "He's in custody and he claims he blacked out for a minute and the next thing he knew, he was being pulled from his car." Chen Yu reads Wu Zhen Feng's text once more. The drivers blood alcohol level was nearly off the charts.

"Do you think..." Gu Wei glances back at the door, a lump in his throat.

"No." Chen Yu says confidently, stroking his cheek. "It appears to be a random freak accident. I don't think Uncle Benny was behind this. But... I'm going to put a guard on her room. Just to be safe." He's already sent the request to Wu Zhen Feng, along with a warning to keep his eyes on the driver. In case another suicide should happen.

"Good." Gu Wei sighs in relief and leans into Chen Yu's arms. The door opens behind them and Uncle Feng pokes his head out.

"Boys? Could you come in?" He asks with a serious expression on his face. After closing the door again, he ushers them to Ji Ling's bedside. "How badly is she hurt?" He asks Gu Wei, as Ji Ling shakes her head holding the baby.

"She has a concussion and a broken rib. She's going to be fine." Gu Wei assures his Uncle, he turns toward Ji Ling. "They will probably keep you another night for observation. Concussions can be tricky." He smiles warmly at her mother beside her bed. "How are you?"

"Oh, just some bruising. The car hit more on Ji Ling's side, I guess that's why she's hurt more." Her mother brushes hair back from Ji Ling's face. "See, you'll be fine."

"A'Yu... what have you found?" Uncle Feng asks, trying to hide his anxious expression from the women.

"I... don't think you need to worry." Chen Yu begins slowly. "It really does appear to have been a random drunk. His alcohol levels were insanely high. He claims he blacked out and his levels suggest that's quite possible. He's in custody and... I've got an eye on him, just in case." He watches Uncle Feng visibly relax. "Also, just to be safe, I'm putting a guard on the room while you're here." He tells a shocked Ji Ling.

"Wait. You think someone targeted me on purpose?" Ji Ling asks shaking, as she passes the baby to her mother.

"No." Chen Yu says firmly. "But, in light of recent events with Uncle and your involvement with him, I'm being extra careful." He smiles at her and glances up, seeing Uncle Feng beckon him to a corner. "Excuse me. Baobei, stay close to them, they're scared." He whispers to Gu Wei before heading to Uncle Feng's side.

"Now, it's just us two. Truthfully, what do you think?" Uncle Feng asks him in a low voice, stepping close.

"I'm... I'm not ruling it out. I don't think hurting her would benefit Uncle Benny in any way and he doesn't make a move without a benefit." Chen Yu says near his shoulder, keeping his voice low as well. "Wei will be coming in to work soon and I'll pay a visit to Uncle Benny."

"A'Yu!" Uncle Feng accidentally raises his voice and Gu Wei glances over. Chen Yu smiles and turns to Uncle Feng with a raised brow. "Sorry. I just... you need to be careful. He might not see Ji Ling or A'Wei as a threat, but you're different." He clenches his jaw, worry etched heavily onto his face.

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