Baby Blues

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"Come on jiejie, it's already been decided." Chen Yu pouts at Xiao Lin. "You and ge go to the hotel today. We're having the baby shower there tomorrow anyway. You can relax and order room service, just spend some time together." He drapes one arm around her shoulders and the other around Wu Zhen Feng's. "Plus, it'll be easier for Wei and I to load our gift directly into the nursery. Tomorrow we'll load the gifts you receive into my truck and deliver them here. Please?" He bats his eyes and grins when she giggles.

"You two are already doing so much for us." Xiao Lin sighs and gives his waist a squeeze, grinning at Gu Wei standing across from them.

"You're family! This isn't just your first baby, it's our first niece too." Gu Wei says, smiling and nodding.

"Alright. Thank you both and we'll see you tomorrow!" Xiao Lin kisses Chen Yu's cheek and crosses to peck a kiss on Gu Wei's too.

"Bag's already in the car." Wu Zhen Feng says, turning her toward the door and looking over his shoulder. He mouths thank you. Now Chen Yu and Gu Wei are left alone in the apartment of the parents to be.

"You have everything in the truck right?" Gu Wei asks, crossing to Chen Yu and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Of course. Ge helped me load the rocker and paints in the trailer yesterday." Chen Yu grins, kissing Gu Wei's forehead. "We should go grab all the painting equipment and get started. It's supposedly quick drying, but I'd rather not take any chances."

"Good idea." Gu Wei says, following him out the door. "Equipment?"

"Paint, brushes, rollers, drop cloths, tape, so much stuff. I rented a dolly so we wouldn't have to make to many trips. Luckily they live on the first floor." He grins and takes Gu Wei's hand. "I still haven't told you my idea yet, have I?" They reach his truck and he opens the trailer.

"Wow, you weren't kidding! Do we really need all of that?" Gu Wei asks, watching him begin to load up the dolly.

"Probably not." Chen Yu laughs. "The clerk said I could return anything we don't use, as long as I have the receipt." He grabs two large bags, balancing one on the dolly. "Can you carry this one lao gong?" He asks, passing the other to Gu Wei.

"Of course." Gu Wei takes the bag and follows him back to the apartment. "So you have a plan? I thought we were just painting the walls the color jiejie likes." He says confused, as Chen Yu heads straight to the nursery.

"I found these." Chen Yu says, pulling out three butterfly stencils in varying sizes. "Jiejie loves butterflies. I had the clerk help me pick out a pretty purple that should look nice against the pink. I hope she likes it." He wrinkles his nose and pouts, suddenly unsure. "Oh, I found this too." He pulls out a gauzy white  canopy with pink and purple butterflies on it.

"Yu'er, she's going to love it. You really thought this out baobei." Gu Wei kisses him and sighs. "What do we do first?"

"We're suppose to put this tape around the windows and whatever we don't want to accidentally paint." Chen Yu says, scratching his head. "This might take awhile."

                                 *   *    *

   Three hours later and they're taking a break. They've just removed the tape from the edges of the window and ceiling.

"Thank goodness it's a one-coat paint." Gu Wei says, looking at the paint covering his hands. "Let's go scrub our hands and order lunch, I'm starving!"

"Sounds good. The crib should be delivered by the time we're done." Chen Yu heads out into the kitchen, washing his hands there. "We just need to add the stenciled butterflies and the painting will be done."

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