A Terrible Truth

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A few minutes later and there's a soft knock on the door. Chen Yu calls out for the person on the other side to enter. It's the main housekeeper, a petite woman approximately sixty years old. She has her grey hair pulled into a tidy bun and her hands folded neatly in her lap, as she takes the seat Chen Yu offers her on the sofa.

"I've actually hoped to meet you, but not quite like this." She says, with a soft smile that even reaches her eyes.

"Uhm, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Mao." Chen Yu decides to sit beside her on the sofa. Something about her is familiar to him.

"Ah, just call me Nanny. That's what A'Wei still calls me." Nanny's voice softens and her smile spreads. "I'm sorry Officer Chen. You see, I've been the housekeeper here for forty years." She giggles, as his eyes widen.

"You must have been just a girl when you started working for Uncle Feng." Chen Yu says shocked. He pours two cups of tea from the service on the table before them and offers one to Nanny.

"Oh, thank you dear. I was a young woman barely in my twenties." She says wistfully, taking a sip of tea. "It wasn't Uncle Feng I initially worked for. It was A'Wei's grandfather." Her jaw clenches and she hurriedly puts her smile back in place.

"I get the feeling you weren't overly fond of Wei's grandfather." Chen Yu says, cocking his head to the side.

"He was very... different from his sons'. He made enemies with every thing he did, as if it was his mission." She sighs and pats a nervous hand over her hair.

"You must remember Wei's parents as well... and what happened to them." Chen Yu says, he watches her flinch and close her eyes tightly. "I'm sorry, but can you tell me what you remember?"

"It seems I'm not the only one seeing the similarities." Nanny's voice breaks and she clears her throat. "I remember the night of the 'accident.' If I tell you this, you mustn't tell A'Wei. That child has suffered enough." Her eyes plead with Chen Yu and after hesitating, he nods. "It was their first family outing." Her smile is sad and her eyes shine with unshed tears.

"Wait." Chen Yu's voice is whisper soft. "Wei was... with them?"

"Yes. They'd spent the afternoon taking him to a secluded park. They had dinner out and they arrived home, seemingly safe. Their driver went to park the car, as Wei's father carried the sleeping child inside. Before his parents got to the door, I saw a strange small flash outside. There was no sound at first, then I heard the Mrs. scream. Mr. Jiang had been shot in the back. He tried to shield his wife and son, using his own body. I ran to the door as soon as I heard the screams." She chokes on a sob and takes the tissue Chen Yu offers her. "When I opened the door... Mrs. Jiang was falling from his arm and he shoved the child into my arms and slammed the door shut." She shakes and doesn't even realize she's leaning on Chen Yu's shoulder sobbing, as he gently pats her back.

"He did what he could to protect his family, they both did. I'm so lucky you opened the door and took Wei in safely." Chen Yu swallows the lump in his throat, thoughts of what could have happened running through his head. "We've only just met, but it seems I owe you a huge debt." He smiles meekly, tears springing to his own eyes. He can't help but think of Mrs. Luo and he decides he needs to visit his old neighbor soon.

"Ah, that's not true. You see, after his parents passed away, I helped raise A'Wei. He's like a son to me. Which is why I was eager to meet you." Nanny pats a shaking hand on Chen Yu's cheek. "I wanted to meet the man that was exceptional enough to steal my A'Wei's heart."

"I'm not exceptional, I'm very ordinary. Wei is my miracle. You don't have to worry, he's everything to me. I'll be good to him." Chen Yu blushes and ducks his head.

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