Game Plan

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When I woke up the next day, I was determined to get to Ryan. What the figure in the woods had said spurned me on my path and made me feel determined. "I had no idea what I was dealing with?" Yea, right. It was only my job. My destiny. And my destiny now included vicious Ryan Ludwick. His brother wasn't so bad, though. As I thought of Alec my pulse sped up and my head began to pound. Right. Concentrate. 

As I walked into the math classroom, I caught Ryan's eye and motioned him to come forward. Startled by my spurt of confidence and commanding attitude, he met me at the front of class by my desk.

"I was thinking, Ryan, that we should have another tutoring session. Just to get those grades up and so you don't get kicked off the team. Your house again?" He sat there, stunned, his mouth hanging open and couldn't seem to find the words.

"Okay, great!" I answered for him. "After school then." He nodded dumbly and I motioned him back to his seat. He took it without another word.  

After my encounter, I felt more confident and sure that this was the best way to get to him. And when the bell rang, I hurried down the steps to get to my car and drive before this new feeling wore off. Ryan was waiting at the kitchen table, afraid to see me and studiously looked down at his notebook.

"Wow. I didn't think you'd come back, after last time I mean." I heard Alec and saw his dark hair enter around the corner, his lips lilted in a soft smile. A smile so welcoming I let down my guard.

"Yea, well, I have to otherwise there's no way he can be on the team anymore. He's getting better, really."

"Well, if he is, it's all because of you, you know"

"Thanks but, besides having an excellent tutor, people do have to put the effort in. He seems to understand that."

"You're a miracle worker."

"Again, thank you. But really, I'm just doing my job" In more ways than one, I thought. He gave another sheepish smile and I loved the way his dark hair flopped over his emerald eyes, obscuring his vision, but not so much that he couldn't penetrate me with his stare.

"So, I was wondering, what are you doing Saturday night?" Why was he so interested in my plans? Was this the evil my mother had warned me about?

"Nothing, why?" My tone came out more harsh than I had intended it to and I could tell by the way he shifted uncomfortably.

"I just wanted to- to ask you...on a date"

"Oh" A date. Just a date. No evil hidden agenda or anything. "Sure. I'm free."

"Great. I'll pick you up at eight." I nodded and gave him my address.

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