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"Honey, where have you?-" I slammed the door as I got back and disregarded Mom's questioning of my whereabouts.

"Sorry mom, don't have time. We need to"

 She understood and we headed outside. We decided to go back into the forest for more seclusion, even though we lived out in the middle of nowhere. I worked on my power of Will and righteous fire. I also worked on invisibility, mind reading, and flight. I wanted to get everything perfect. Because that time was coming....soon. I could feel it. Mom sensed my urgency and she taught me a few combat moves she had picked up from my father. As the afternoon wore on, I became stronger, faster, more clever. I felt confident in my abilities, but I knew confidence wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough. We headed in for supper and there was silence as we sat around the table.

After dinner, I headed upstairs and threw myself onto my bed. I wasted no time in doing my homework, there wasn't time to waste. I may be the savior of some person to keep them on the right track, but I couldn't ignore my other duties either. Even though it felt pointless to find the value of x and read a book for English, I knew my mother would still want me to continue my studies. When I was done, it was only nine. But I shut off the lights anyway and went to sleep.

My dreams were bombarded with worst case scenarios even though the whole world wasn't in danger, just one person. But that person could have an impact. At school I tried to focus, but focusing was hard since I didn't see Ryan in any of the classes we had together. He was still MIA. And the light around the school was brighter than ever. But that didn't help. If only I had some sort of clue as to what Ryan had bought at the hardware store, then I could at least get a trace on him.

Besides Ryan being missing, I still passed Alec in the halls, and that hurt more than ever. Each time we glanced at each other, I saw fresh pain on his face and I would swallow a lump in my throat. What I did was right, I told myself. But it was getting harder and harder to believe.

After school I went straight home and trained some more. I was honing my abilities better and better. But it wasn't enough. I still had no idea where Ryan was or what he was doing. Frustration got the better of me and soon I shut everything out. Homework, school, and Alec.

Finally, one day, I couldn't handle it anymore and I dashed from the classroom. The teacher gave a confused look as I walked out the door, but I didn't stop. As soon as no one was looking, I un-glamoured my wings and took off. The air was a nice retreat from the stifling cage of the school. I felt the wind rustle between my feathers and the stress slowly ebb away, but not the guilt. Never the guilt. How could I let it go when I knew he was still out there, somewhere. I just had the strangest feeling, no, not a strange feeling at all, a definite feeling, that the dark figure was behind everything. Perhaps, it was time to switch tactics. Maybe instead of searching for Ryan, I should have searched for him instead. With that thought, I headed to the forest behind my house and waited.

"Come out, come out. Oh dark one. Whatever you're called. Let's have a little chat."

"Insolent person, you just can't quit" I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally heard his voice. "What makes you think you have the right to summon me?"

"Well, you always invite yourself into my life, I figured it was time to return the favor. Perhaps, you could help me out"

"And why on Earth would I do that?"

"Aren't you a little...bored? Hanging around me, waiting for me to mess up?"

"You already have, stupid girl" His laugh reverberated off the trees. Good, let him think I was weak.

"No, I...I haven't done anything"

"No of course not. That's why someone isn't missing right now. And you're failing to procure them. Tick tock. Tick tock. You can't save them all" Now I was getting somewhere.

"But you know where he is, don't you?"

"Of course I do" Ding.

"And you would never help me out in figuring out where this person is, would you?"

"Now why would I do a thing like that? What do you take me for? A confidante? You are sadly mistaken" I was close enough to him that I could take in his appearance. And his smell. The smell of wood, and gasoline. I focused on that and delved as deep as I could.

"No, I suppose not" I said. And with that, I took off.

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