No Time For Games

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When I awoke again, I noticed that there was blood tirckling down from my forehead. Whatever had just happened, it wasn't a dream. I recounted the man that knelt by me, but because my vision was so blurred, I couldn't remember his features. His warning was just the thing I needed. To keep trying to persuade Ryan on the path of good, to finally complete my mission, no matter what the cost. I ran up to the house steps and burst through the door. 

"Mom!" I called. She came out of her room, looking tired and aggrivated. I wanted to back off and give her space, but this was more important. "I need more training, ASAP." She nodded her head as if she understood what I had just been through, even though she couldn't possibly imagine.

"Alright. I'll be right back. I need to get something" I waited for her outside in our yard, alert and ready. "Can I ask what spurned this on? Last time we trained, your heart wasn't really in it."

"Let's just say I've finally opened my eyes to the dangers around me. I've epiphany"

"Alright" she said, not all that convinced. She opened the book she held in her hands and proclaimed,"Self defense: righteous fire, mind reading, basic attack. You will need to concentrate hard on the power of Will to complete these tasks."

"Mom...who wrote that book?" I had just noticed the ragged leatherbound book that my mother was holding, the pages were turning yellow and it looked like it had been through the washing machine. 

"Your father," she said. I looked down and willed myself not to cry. He was still in contact with me, in his own special way. "Alright, so let's start with mind reading. Alright now tell me what number I am thinking of."

"six" I said. "Mom, everyitime you ask that question, that's the number you always choose. Make me actually have to work for it."

"Alright" she looked more serious now and her face became somber. "Try me" I closed my eyes and focused all of my energy into my mother's mind. She had so many barricades that were hard to get through. Metaphysical walls and dams that if they burst open, her memories would rush out and she wouldn't be able to stop. So instead of crashing down her walls, I pictured myself jumping over them onto the other side. I crept a little more and then it hit me. She was in a white, steril room that smelled like antibacterial spray. She was sitting up in bed and I felt a wide smile stretch across her face. The nurse had come back in the room with a baby in a swaddle. She handed the baby to Mom and she looked down into the beautiful, shining green eyes. There was little hair and the baby was peacefully asleep in her arms. Warmth flooded through her body of becoming a mother and holding what she had created. I realized who the baby was then. It was me. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself without a mirror. I was holding myself. With that realization, my eyes sprang open and I felt a slight pain in my head. I grabbed my temple and rubbed with my forefingers to ease the throbbing,

"That was your arms." She smiled and I did as well. I had read her mind. But I knew I wouldn't abuse my power on my mom. She was my only lifeline left in this world, and if I didn't have her trust, I don't know what I would do. 

"Right so onto righteous fire. That's probably how you burned that poor kid in the hallway you told me about"

"He's hardly poor and he deserved it"

"You shouldn't think like that. After all, he is your assignment. He's your responsibility"

"I know, sorry. Anyways, righteous fire. Right. Okay, here we go" I focused on a small leaf that had fallen from the tree I was standing by. All my energy was directed at the leaf and all my will. I saw the leaf had started to smoke. But then a powerfull thought overtook me of the dark figure in the snow clad woods. The terror I had felt. Before I even knew what I was doing, the bush near the leaf had started on fire. My mother screamed and ran to get the hose from the side of the house. She extinguished the fire and the thought from my mind along with it. She stood there, her shirt dripping wet and looked exhausted. 

"Okay, back into the house. We'll try that again some other day." and with that she went into the house and shut the door. 

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