The Encounter

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When I pulled up in my driveway, I slammed my hands against the steering wheel, frustrated that I couldn't get through to Ryan no matter how hard I tried. As I raged on, the stupid black cat passed by my car again, meowing at me incessantly. 

"What do you want?" I gritted through my teeth. The cat merely kept pawing at my car door and I ignored it. I wasn't about to deal with a stray cat right now. Not when I had more important matters to deal with like Ryan Ludwick. I tried to tell the cat this telepathically, but it didn't seem to make a difference. 

"No, no way am I following you again into those blasted woods. Nope" I held firm and even crossed my arms, begrudgingly. But it made no difference, I was thrust into darkness. 

When I awoke, I was not surrounded by dark woods, but white. All white. The trees were laced with snowflakes and the branches shivered at the brisk wind. My skin turned to ice and I huddled myself in a ball, trying to protect myself. As I shivered uncontrollably, a black figure flashed across my vision. I reared my head up, but there was nothing there. 

"Just my mind playing tricks on me" I muttered to myself. 

"Wouldn't you like to think that" I jerked my head up at the voice, immediately alert.

"Who said that! Who are you!" I was surpised at how strong my voice sounded and I mentally prepared myself. I closed my eyes and a voice whispered in my ear,


"Why do you keep bothering me! I want to know! Come out and show yourself, you coward."

"All in good time", the eerie voice replied. "But for now, a warning" Before I even knew it, I was thrust back into a tree and the wind was knocked out of me. I tried to breathe but my breaths were labored. My voice had left me and I grasped the slick ground for purchase. I sat up and coughed. I was frightened now that I couldn't even talk. I sat there by the tree, powerless. The dark figure knelt by me and lifted my chin, a blur in my vision. 

"Don't dabble in things you can't possibly win", he said, clenching his teeth. He snapped his fingers and I was once again thrust into darkness.

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