The Sign

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I stood at my locker and failed to open the combination. My mind was still racing from this morning. Everything my mom had told me. How did I know any of this was real? I expected a TV cameraman to come out of one of the classrooms at any moment and tell me it was all a joke. A hoax. But he never did come around that corner. I sighed into my locker and closed it. I would tell my friends. If I had any. No one really payed me much attention. I was the odd girl out. I wasn't super attractive either, so no boy ever payed me attention. The closest thing I ever had to a real relationship was my twenty four hour one with Drew Barnett. Then I learned it was just a prank and I went home eating a whole bag of licorice and locked myself in my room for the weekend. I shuddered at the memory. I shook my head, clearing the thought away, and continued on down the hall. I turned the corner and found people standing in a circle staring at poor Stuart Little. He was getting cornered once again by Ryan Ludwick. That guy was a creep. All they did was prey on Stuart.

"Stop!" he screamed. A broken and weary scream. A tired and pitiful and hopeless scream that became a whimper.

"What are you going to do about it, Little? You're just a little faggot. You can't do anything. Hell, you've never even been laid. Sad life, man. Pathetic". Anger welled up inside me at Ryan's comment and I wanted to deck him. I wanted to kill him. I was about to tell him off when something inside me told me to STOP! I recoiled and stepped back. And that's when I saw it. The sliver of golden light coming off of Ryan. Almost like a sign.....No! I thought. That's impossible! How is he my assignment? He's a jerk!! But the light didn't grow softer and neither did my revulsion to Ryan.

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