The Forest

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As I drove home, my vision blurred so much from tears that I almost hit a car. I swerved out of the way just in time and avoided a collision. Ryan had no idea about me. My mom had told me to protect him from the darkness, but what if he was the darkness? I let myself sob for a bit, and then put the car in drive, heading home. 

"Hey, how was your day?" my mom asked me. 

"I really don't want to talk about it," I replied. Before she could utter another word, I dashed towards the stairs and flopped on my bed, blasting my Ipod. I sat there for a while, wallowing in self pity like a pathetic person. I took out my earbuds and decided to get started on my homework when I heard a strange sound. I looked down into the trees and saw a black cat with white paws, cleaning itself. I decided to go down and investigate. As I crept down the stairs past my mom, I went to the back door and tiptoed across the lawn. I bent down behind the trees and looked for the cat. It meowed again and I followed the sound. As I crept more into the forest, I noticed the trees were getting barer and creepier. the branches kept scraping up against my bare legs, leaving scratches and tiny streaks of crimson. I grimaced against the pain and kept advancing towards the cat. I tripped over a branch and landed flat on my face. When I looked up again, the path became narrower and I became claustrophobic in my surroundings. Stupidly, I got to my feet and crept ever more so, cautiously this time, towards the mysterious cat. But when I rounded the corner, the cat had disappeared. I heard a rustle in the bush and called, 

"Hello?" There was silence. My heart sped up and it became harder for me to breathe. I was coughing violently and fealing extremely weak. Whatever was here, it wasn't good. I dashed out of the forest, hobbling and coughing until I reached the edge. The forest became normal agian and my breathing turned regular. Not wanting to look back, I ran back to the house, up the stairs, and locked the door behind me. 

Teen AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora