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"Stop!" I cried standing between Stuart and Ryan. Ryan and the crowd looked at me dubiously, with maybe curiosity in their eyes? But soon the curiosity turned to grins and then the crowd pealed over with laughter, with and expression of yea right clearly written on their faces.

"What are you going to do about it, Olson?" Ryan looked to his buddies and punched them playfully on the shoulder and making them all gain up on me. I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to deck him. But just as I was about to do so, I felt my body strain against my wishes. STOP! It seemed to say. I recoiled in puzzlement and shock. My thoughts were not controlling my behavior at the moment. Instead, as Ryan kept laughing I gave him a glare that showed all my pent up fury and anger. Suddenly, his shirt was singed and there was a burn mark on his wrist. He cried out in pain, holding his burned wrist.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME, BITCH?!" I took a step back and dashed down the hall. What had I just done? I thought.

I sneaked out of the school and ran to the nearest bus stop, afraid of my new powers and capabilities. Afraid of what I'd become. Mom looked pissed when I ran through the front door twenty minutes later.

"What are you doing here?!" she said "You're supposed to be at school!" she looked at me with anger and puzzlement all at once, batting her eyelashes frantically.

"I....I can't control myself." I whispered "What's happening to me?" She led me to the couch and sat me down. She started rubbing my back in small circles and lowered her voice to almost a whisper.

"You're coping phase, remember? You don't realize how strong you are yet and you must learn to tap into your powers only when necessary. Not when someone gives you a hard time"

"But I wasn't protecting myself! I was protecting Stuart!"

"Maybe so. What you've just had is called righteous anger like when Jesus flipped over the table of doves in the Bible."

"So....I'm like God?"

"OH Heavens No! Far from him. You're just learning about the path of good and bad so you can lead your own assignment down that path."

"That's another thing....when I got to school, Ryan was bullying Stuart and then he was enveloped in light. I think he's my assignment."

"That's wonderful! So you know who it is already then. Excellent! You can start work then" I gave her a puzzled look. But she just continued.

"In order to watch over Ryan, you mustn't be visible to him. You must first learn the power of invisibility" 

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