Uncharted Territories

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It was Saturday and I had decided to dress down for the event, since I had no idea where Alec planned on taking me. I waited patiently on my steps, hoping I wasn't wrinkling my skirt when I saw a car pull up.

"A minivan?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yea, well, it's not the most stylish, I admit. But I do get some good mileage." He looked dashing in a simple cotton grey shirt and jeans with converse. Was there anything this boy couldn't pull off?

"Where are we going?" I asked as we got into his car.

"That, is a surprise" he grinned mischievously and started the engine.

After what seemed to be hours of silence, I realized we were heading deep into the woods. Glancing up the hill, I wished I had worn something more functional. We headed up for a while and then followed a trail into an opening. It was a small meadow with green grass and  a blanket spread out with food on it.

"I hope you're hungry. There's chips, sandwiches, and my personal favorite, apple pie." I looked at him,  shocked and excited all at once. "This is all store-bought. I'm no master chef, but I do love food." I sat down on the blanket and lifted the lid to grab a sandwich. We sat there, just talking and eating, describing in detail how much we hated school and couldn't wait to get out in the world. Of course, I didn't know what I'd be doing. Did angels have mortal jobs? I supposed so. How else were we supposed to have a home?

"Thanks for tonight, Mel"

"It's no problem, really. I wanted to." We spent most of our time like that. Us crouched on the blanket. At one point I put my head on his shoulder and he let me. It was nice to take a break from Ryan and the evil lurking around the corner.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Uh, eleven thirty"

"Oh my gosh! I have to call my mom and tell her I'll be back later. It will just take a sec" I grabbed my phone and went behind him into the woods, towards the car. As I was dialing her number, I saw a rustle in the bushes. My nerves were on edge and I didn't want to take any chances. Instead of calling hello, like most people, I braced myself and looked around, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

"Boo" I spun around and there was the same dark figure I saw in the whiteness of my dream, or whatever it had been.

"What are you doing here? You have no business being here."

"Don't I?"

"Leave, before I make you"

"Ooooh...the little girl's developed some bark. But I gotta tell ya, my bite's a killer. Like I said, you have no idea what and who you're dealing with"

"I know some things" I closed my eyes and summoned the power of Will, aiming it directly at him and waited. My eyes snapped open when I heard him curse and swat at the flames enveloping his clothes. He turned back to me and gave me a glare that froze the blood in my veins. I went back to Alec, hurrying with each step.

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