Becoming Invisible

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I was standing in our back yard under the oak tree as I listened to my mom.

"Now, I know I'm not an angel and I probably can't help you that much, so I will do the best I can. No guarantees, though."

"Ok, Mom. Just tell me how to start."

"Well, your father said it was all about imagining. Just like some people think angels are imagination, although they're very real. You and your father are proof of that." I clung to her words and felt my throat dry up. I missed my father a lot. I wasn't sure if he even was dead...although that's what mom said. And I had every reason to believe her.....didn't I?

"You have to sort of will the power to become invisible. Imagine your body is transparent and no one can see you. Once you believe you truly are invisible, that's when you will become invisible."

"Ok, I'll give it a try." I dug deep down and remembered all the fantasy novels and movies I'd ever seen or read. How the main heroine always had to believe in herself to find the strength within. I closed my eyes and imagined seeing my mom, but pretending she couldn't see me. I opened my eyes and I saw her searching for somehting.....or someone. I had done it! To test it out, I called to her.

"Mom!" She spun around and tried to find where the source of noise was coming from. 

"Alright, good job Melanie. You can become visible again." I closed my eyes again and imagined that my mom could see me. She smiled when she could see me clearly and clapped.

"Bravo! Great job!"

"So I do have superpowers!"

"Not exactly. You have the power of will. We all do. Angels can just tune into it stronger because mortals don't always believe in what they'd perceive as impossible feats. Like turning invisible."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." I said. I still couldn't believe my power of will was that strong. That I actually had turned invisible. Right in front of my mother's eyes. I still had a burning question clouding my thoughts.

"If there's good in this world, then....."

"Yes. There is evil as well" I was afraid she'd say that. I gulped down my fear so as not to let it show.

"You must be very careful. Evil can be right in front of your eyes....but you wouldn't know because it's so good at disguising itself into something good and intriguing. You must not be swayed. Look beyond the facade and find out what is truly there. Or else you will be lead to temptation and.....


"You will fall" I gave an involuntary shudder and nodded somberly. 

"I understand" I said.

"Good. Anyways. You did a great job today. Next week, we take on the big one"

"What's that?" I asked.


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