Tutor Session

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"So um what would you like to start with?" I asked. he gave me a look that said "shut the hell up".


"Let's start with polynomial division," I suggested. I took his notebook and started to write down a problem. I gave it back to him.

"Alright, so tell me what you do first," I advised.

"How the hell should I know! that's why you're my tutor. you tell me what to do."

"Okay, we'll start with baby steps...."

For the next half hour, I tutored Ryan Ludwick and I didn't get mad once. All of a sudden, during our tutoring session he blurted out,"I know your secret," I tensed up and didn't let him see how I was feeling.

"You go around and act like Little Miss Innocent. When really, you're a piece of trash. You judge everyone else when you don't even know who you really are" His words stung but I told myself I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't give him that power. Instead, I bit my lip and murmured, "session dismissed" and headed out.

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