Ignorance is Bliss

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"Melanie!" I heard a voice and felt a hand on my forehead as I opened my eyes.

"Alec?" I said, startled. "I told you to run"

"I did, but I couldn't leave you" I then realized that my wings were splayed on the ground in their full glory and Alec's gaze raked over them.

"Alec let me explain"

"No, it's cool...really" He touched the wing gently and didn't seem afraid at all. I sighed and let my head fall back to the ground.

This would surely get back to the big guy and then I'd be in huge trouble.

I knew I had no time left. I wouldn't get a second chance. This was a matter of loyalty. Romance would play no part in this. I had to make a decision. Now. I turned to Alec's beautiful face full of awe and wonder and died a little inside.

"You won't remember anything that has happened" I whispered fervently to him. He took his gaze off my wings and looked me in the eyes, confused.

"What? But I want to" he replied.

"I'm sorry" I said as a tear slid down my cheek. He wiped it with his finger.

I spread my wings over him, enveloping him in light.

I left him unconscious on the ground and hid behind a tree as I watched him wake up and stare at his surroundings. He looked so beautifully oblivious and I smiled a little. I watched as he picked up a white feather from the ground the height of his hand and run his fingers through it. And then, I started walking.

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