It's Time

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I nodded at my alarm clock as it played "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons. My daily wake up song. And like the song, it was time. Time to watch Ryan Ludwick and help him stay (or go on) the path of good. It would be tricky. That was for sure. He was the biggest jerk in school. I wondered if he ever was good at one point. I rubbed the crust out of my eyes and got up to shower. The steam washed the worries away and I became relaxed. I saw my scars in the mirror again, but this time I admired them. It showed who I truly was, and I couldn't help but be excited of my newfound identity. I went back to my room and chose my outfit for the day. I chose a black tank with rhinestones, jean shorts, and my music jewelry. My favorite. I felt bad for wearing black, considering I was the second closest thing to light. But then I remembered what my mom said about how evil could disguise itself as the ultimate light and decided my attire was appropriate.

Once I got to school, I knew I had to confront Ryan. But how? I needed to find the perfect opportunity and take it. But none seemed to show itself at the moment. I went to the caf and had my free breakfast that I got since I was on the program. But I couldn't stomach the muffin. I threw my food away and headed to my first class. Biology.

When I got to biology, all I could think about was Ryan. How I would appeal to him and protect him. from what though? I asked myself. himself? I shook my head to clear my thoughts as Mr. Brunswick called out our lab partners.

"Melanie Olson and Stuart Little." I was startled but glad I hadn't gotten paired up with Ryan. Though I would have to confront him sooner or later. I chose later. Stuart hesitantly walked over to my desk and sat down, looking at the floor or his feet. I couldn't tell where exactly, but he was definitely not looking at me.

"So ummmm do you want to start or I can if you want?" I asked him.

"Sure" he said. It wasn't a definite answer but I started anyway. Stuart seemed really timid, more so than usual. I thought. I hoped he wasn't afraid. especially not of me. I reached out a hand to grab his shoulder....

"Don't please!" he cried. I instantly retracted my hand in shock and sat there.

"That's more action than you get in a week!" yelled Ryan. He and his jock posse laughed till they turned red and I became infuriated again. Stupid Ryan. He was beyond help.

"I guess he'll never be nice. He's beyond help." I turned to look where the voice had come from. Alec Ludwik. Ryan's younger brother by a year, I was told. I smiled at him sheepishly and said " my sentiments exactly" he snickered and gave a half laugh.

"At least someone gets it" he said as he rolled his shoulders. "I don't get how some people can put up with his shit." he muttered. I gave him an understanding look. Deciding to be a total idiot, I said, "I'm Melanie. Melanie Olson."

"Alec" he said. I already knew his name, but it was nice that he answered me. I turned back in my seat and finished up the lab with Stuart.

All during lunch all I could think about was Alec Ludwik. I knew I should have been thinking about his brother and how I should "protect" him, but I wondered how one was so nice and the other a complete asshole. Why couldn't I have been chosen to protect Alec? Angels don't always have the easiest task. That's why we were made, to protect the complicated human being. It's all about free will, just give them a little push. My mother's words replayed in my head from our conversation I had last night when I was freaking out about the whole angel thing. Ok...I thought. I will try to help him. And then, there was chocolate milk all over my homework I had been working on. I looked up to see who the culprit was. It was Stuart?

"I'm so sorry! Let me clean that up." Stuart fumbled around for a napkin and sloshed the chocolate milk even more on my papers.

"It's alright", I told him, "No harm done. I can always ask for an extension." I took the napkin from him and gave him a reassuring smile. His glasses were cracked and his clothes disheveled. I figured he was having a rough day. He nodded his head in thanks and huddled his books to his chest, looking like a dog with a tail between his legs.

It was math class and I had to think of a plan as to how I would get into Ryan's good graces...and fast. Mr. B was handing back our tests. A-. I was thrilled, seeing that my going in early in the mornings was paying off. I looked over to Ryan's desk. D. I felt bad for him, but then I remembered that he wasted his intelligence for being a jerk, and the pity went away. All through class, I was writing down ideas to magically become a vital part of Ryan's life. They were all terrible. He would never date me, and I would never go out with him. Besides, I was pretty sure it was against Angel Law or something. My golden opportunity came after class was Mr. B called Ryan back into class to see him. I went outside the door and let all the other students pass, before I myself leaned up against the door and listened intently to their conversation.

"These grades are inexcusable. Academics must come before sports, and I'm sure your coaches would agree with me"

"The championship is in a couple weeks! I can't focus on schoolwork when I have a team to lead."

"You won't be on the team, unless you get your grades up. I would like to recommend a tutor for you. Now let's see...." He was looking down at a list, and I picked that as my time to enter.

"Excuse me Mr. B, I think I left my binder in here..."

"Ah, Melanie! Just the person I wanted to see. Would you come here a moment, please?" I walked over to his desk, stealing a glance at Ryan. He was completely confused in what was going on.

"Miss Olson will now be your tutor"

"Hell no! Why can't you give me...!"

"No discussion! She is your tutor and that's final. Now tutoring sessions will begin Monday and will be every day after school until you can get your grades up." He looked to the clock and dismissed us. Ryan sent me death glares as he went down the hall.

Well. I thought. It could've been worse.

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